
הצטרף: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8
לפני 338 ימים

SHAKING MY HEAD ( What is happneing to this world?)

     What is happening to this world?  Did you all see the story of the 5 year old who was shot in the head and killed by his neighbor?  So far the only motive for this adult man shooting a 5 year old in his head and killing him was he had been riding his bike in his neighbors yard.   I have had issues in the past with kids riding through my yard and making a path through it, BUT I went and saw the parents when the children did not stop riding through my yard.   It is unimaginable to me that anyone would shoot a 5 year old to death for something like that.  He ended the child's life and messed up his own life. EVEN IF they find he had something mentally wrong with him that caused this reaction, he will have to live the rest of his life as the man that shot a 5 year old in the head, and killed him. n3.gif?v=122     I myself have had really bad episodes of anger to the point I did not know what I was doing, but I have learned to get away from the thing that is stirring it up in me before I hurt someone.
     What angers me is some of the comments people were posting about it.   It is shocking to me that people think it is ok to shot a 5 year old in the head and kill him just because or the family they were born into.   Children have no choice in who their parents are before they are born, and should not be penalized because of where they were born.   One writer said it was good he was killed because he was privileged.  I would love to know how that person defines privileged.  It showed the little boys home on the news and the guy that shot him lived near by in the same neighborhood. The neighborhood was far from what I would call privileged, and even if it was by the writers standards, the guy that shot him lived there too.  So my question to the person that made that comment is  ( If the child was privileged and for some crazy reason deserved to die because of it, would that not also mean that the guy that shot him was also privileged and should he not be shot too if having money is not a crime?)
     I personally hate the way the media is slanting the news to try to imply that one set of people are the victim and another set are the evil ones, when this story is proof that there are good and bad in all.   If you are going to make a big deal out of one person getting killed because they are from one group then you should defiantly make a big deal out of EVERYONE that is killed unjustly.  I personally think those that are shouting racism the loudest would do well to look in a mirror. 
   I doubt this shooting was a race thing though EVEN THOUGH the media are building it up that way.  The boys own father said he had dinner with the guy that shot his son just  short time before this happened and that their was never any problems between himself and the man that did it.   The man that did it was reported to have been pacing back and forth on his lawn for a short time after he shot the child.  I would be inclined to think he had some kind of a break with reality and was coming down off it when he was pacing round. I think his mind was trying to grasp what he had done.  THAT IS NOT TO EXCUSE THE ACTION.  I just think if things are looked into closer a more direct reason for the shooting may be found as he did not shoot the little girls or the neighbor that saw it.  For some unknown reason his anger was fixed on this little boy.
    Today's children have a way of pushing the buttons of adults.  It does not matter what color they all, MOST OF today's kids have a sense of entitlement.  If it really was about the riding the bike on the yard, could be this child had a habit of doing it and had been told many times not to.  Anger will build in a person till it explodes, BUT LIKE I SAID ABOVE YOU GO TO THE PARENTS IF YOU HAVE A MISBEHAVING CHILD YOU DO NOT SHOOT IT.
    I think the whole country should take a step back and remember the golden rule ( DO ONTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO ONTO YOU!)   I think I must live in one of the best neighborhoods in this country.  We do not have those kinds of problems here. There is hardly ever a fight among neighbors. Everyone says hi to each other and asks how you are doing, it does not matter the color. My neighborhood has many different color people living here together and mostly respectfully.  Now here is the ironic part of this I live in government housing( much like the project you can see on the movie the blind side, and most of these hate crimes are happening in neighborhoods that look down on projectors lol   I am not afraid to walk my neighborhood in the middle of the night alone.  How many of the people that try to look down on the projects can say that?