
הצטרף: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8
לפני 338 ימים


    I have berern thinking about this for several days, and I am still not sure whateather or not to say something about it.   I was standing across the street one day last week while a group of the neighbors were waiting for this church orgonazation to deliver some things they were going to give out to the community.   I was leaning against the handicapt ramp talking to a neighbor and there was a guy standing between us and the parking lot.   One of the delivory trucks arrived and as he was backing into the parking spot he hit the curb around the parking lot.   I do not know if he was fustrated with himself of just in a hurry, but when he pulled forward to readjust the truck he brought it back into the spot WAYYYYYYYY TOO FAST for the area he had.   The guy that was between me and the lot saw it was coming back fast and sid woooo woooo and put his hands up for the guy to stop.  Another 3 inches and it would have hit the man who was standing on the sidewalk by the lot ( the turck had a long bed) and frankly I was woerried he was going to jump the curp and squash all 3 of us that were on the sidewalk between the ramp and the truck.
     When the driver got out he was mad at the guy that had tried to get him to stop.   He said I HAVE 4 CAMARAS ON THIS BUMPER I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING.  The guy that tried to get him to stop said I was just trying to help, and maybe I should not have , but when he said he had 4 cameras on the bumper I said Oh really well then why did you hit the curp the first time?   He never answered me.   I have no clue what he said to the supervisr when he went inside, but she came out and lectured the whole group about telling him how to dricve.   I had walked back across the street by the time she came out, but I could hear her.  I have been thinking about this ever sense.  I do not know if I should have told the supervisor what I saw or wheather I should just let it go and keep my eyes out for anything else happening like that again.
     I hate it when somene makes a desidion on something with only one side of the event in evidence.  Everything has two sides and if you do not get them all how can you make a fair desidion?   I realize all these nice church people are doing this for the less fortunate out of the goodness of their hearts and are not getting paid for it, but does that give them the right to nearly hit someone with a truck, and then get all the recipiants yelled at for something the driver started?   There is a small part of me that worries if I confront the situation it may cause them to get mad and stop helping the people of the community.   As I said they are not getting paid for any of what they do.  
     WHAT WOULD YOU DO?  Speak up , Forget it, or just watch for anything else like this and if it happes again then speak up?