
הצטרף: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8
לפני 338 ימים


     I was talking to someone today about my previous blog and how we felt about it, and another thought came to me.  Posting this thought will probably not be the smartest thing I ever did, and I am sure there will be those that will have a fit about it, and that is ok, but while they are having their fit they will also have to think about how true the statement is and finally admit to themselves I may be right.
     Slavery was a terrible thing for EVERYONE involved. It was traumatic for those ripped away from their homes and forced to cross an ocean in bad conditions only to be forced to work all day with nothing they could call their own to show for all the work.  It was bad for those that kept slaves, because they brought shame on their families for generations to come.
     There is however one thing that everyone seems to be overlooking with all the using my ancestors were slaves and so I am entitled to act  act out and blame my bad behavior on history crap that is going on now a days.  Besides the fact that NO ONE ALIVE TODAY WAS EVEN ALIVE THEN therefore they themselves did not endorse what their ancestors did, so they should stop playing the role of wronged party.     Now here comes the bomb shell that no one ever wants to see:  If your ancestors had not endured great suffering over a century ago YOU YOURSELF MAY NOT BE A UNITED STATES CITIZEN TODAY!!!!   You are a citizen of one  of the greatest countries on this planet, because your ancestors were brought here from their home land LONG BEFORE you were even a thought in anyone's mind.   They worked hard and suffered much, and because of it you are a citizen of this country.   If they had been left where they were it is VERY LIKELY you would have been born in the mother land.  IF YOU WERE EVEN BORN AT ALL, many us citizens today are of multiracial blood lines.   The way the blood lines became mixed is not as important to today's people as is the fact IF IT NEVER HAPPENED YOU WOULD NOT BE WHO YOU ARE IF YOU EVEN EXISTED.  So next time you decide to do something to try to separate this country or to play the role of victim for something that never happened to you ask yourself would the world have been a better place if you had never been born because your ancestors were left in Africa or DO YOU MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE , BECAUSE YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE???
     It will be interesting to see the comments on this blog.   It will be easy to see who really got what I was going for here, OH AND BY THE WAY, I myself am of mixed blood line.   I am part German, part native American, and part African American.   I know for a fact if some of my ancestors had never been on American soil, even if there was a Jane  I would not be who I am today.  
     If I was never born, because my ancestors had never met, I know at least one little girl that would have died at age 3. She was about to get hit by a car and I jumped onto the road and pulled her off just as the car sped past us I felt the air off it.   Had my ancestors never got together and formed what is today me there would have been no one there to save her.    Or if there had been a Jane maybe with her new dna make up she would not have had the courage to act first and think about what could have happened after the little girl was safe.   You all know there are people in this world who think only of themselves.  If the black blood had not been in me maybe I would have been one of those people.   You do not really know how a change in your dna will change your personality.  ( But I digress.)