
הצטרף: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8
לפני 338 ימים


   Did you ever find yourself in the position of defending something you were not in agreement with, because you knew logically it was the right decision.   Even though your emotions want to agree with the people who did not like it?  Sometimes it is hard to do the mature logical adult thing when all you really want to do is the selfish, childish thing.  The child inside you wants to throw a temper tantrum and cry about something you do not like. Then someone else comes to you with the same feelings, and instead of saying to them you are right I agree with you , you have to do the right thing, and try to make them see it from another point of view.   You have to make them see the decision was made on a logical bases not an emotional one, and even though some disagree with it.   It was the right thing to do.   Many times some people like me can see something from both sides at the same time,   It is both a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing when you can understand how both sides of a disagreement feel, but it is a curse when your own emotional side says NO this sucks, and your logical side has to take over your mouth and say IT WAS THE SMART THING TO DO.   Bottom line no matter what decision is made some will like it and some will not.  Best one can do is try to get those that do not like it to at least understand why it was done.
   I have found in time that those who have emotionally grown up will calm down and see what you have been trying to explain to them, and those who's emotions have not caught up with their age will not be able to see the logical side of things.   What drives me crazy is when I try to explain something to someone and they tell me I am making excuses for the person or persons that annoyed them.

   I used to watch a short lived tv show when I was a kid.  I am sure most of you will not even remember it,  it did not last long.   It was called LUCAN  it was about a boy raised by wolves.   He was captured and tied up one day and when they came to save him he said he could do nothing.  He also said ( WHEN ONE CAN DO NOTHING THE BEST THING TO DO IS NOTHING.)   The reason I added this is because, if I am out voted and know no matter what I say or do it will not change anything , I set there quiet and let what is inevitable happen, because I could not stop it anyhow.  Why waist energy on  something that is set in stone already.   So many people never get that simple lesson.   If they did understand that there would be less fights in this world.   I only fight for things I feel I may be able to change or that i feel are egregiously wrong.  Anything else I just live with it.