
הצטרף: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8
לפני 338 ימים


     We got a heat wave heading our way and fair warning to everyone I know when the heat rises above 90 it does not take much irritation to make me go off.   I have little patience for alleged adults that whine around worse then a 4 year old.   If you want to gripe at me about something you think is wrong, YOU BETTER MAKE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT first.   I really get annoyed with people that think the world revolves around them. ( Everyone know the world really revolves around me n0.gif?v=122  lol.)   <<< little joke, but seriously how are you going to get upset about something not doing something for you that you yourself decline to do for them.     Have you never heard of one hand washing the other, or give and take?
     Here is a better quote for you DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU.  That is a good one, because I have found people tend to treat you the way you treat them.   If you do not like how something is going WORK TO CHANGE IT do not just sit around and complain about it.   I firmly believe all things are possible if people work together to change them.
     Now on a slightly different idea,  How do you keep from going off on an adult that is throwing a temper tantrum like a kid, because if you do you will look like a child yourself.   Sometimes I just want to grab some of the people in my life and shake them till their brains kick back into gear lol.
     I really hate this very hot weather because when I get hot little things annoy me.  I know what you are going to say get an ac, but the fact is I really do not want one.   IN MY OPINION AND THIS IS MY OPINION: air conditioners are part of the reason everything is so hot now.   Also people have forgotten that being exposed to hot weather will allow your blood to thin and you will not notice it as badly as someone who is in ac al the time and then goes out into the hot summer sun.   You may not notice it cause you are on the inside but window air conditioners put a lot of heat back into the air outside, so you need more ac  and it gets hotter it is a bad circle.   Same way with clothes dryers. Hanging out clothes will help cool the air by releasing moisture into it, but driers put out hot air heating things up more.   Have you ever stood near a clothes line on a windy summer day?  The air coming off it is cooler then the air around it.   Did I mention when it is hot my brain rambles on more lol.