
הצטרף: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8
לפני 338 ימים


     Life is really weird sometimes.   I have been having really bad luck for sometime, and this year has been really great for me, unfortunately not everyone is sharing in my good luck.   I found out last week a friend of mine that I had not seen in some time died.   He has many progeny.   The up side if there is one is that he got all his kids grown up before he had to leave this world.  Then yesterday I got a call from another friend of mine that her mother ( also a long time friend of mine) is not doing well she had a stroke and a brain bleed on top of the fact she was diagnosed with dementia early this year.   I am praying she gets better. but the doctors do not think she will ever be in shape to live alone again.  What makes me mad about this is it took a few days to figure out just how bad she was.   She and her daughter had a fight, but her daughter kept trying to call her and she did not answer.   That was not uncommon for her when she was angry.  Thing is the neighbor that hung at her house a lot did not call for help when she saw my friend was not acting like herself.  I wish she had came back to our neighborhood like I have tried to get her to many times.  If I noticed her acting strange first thing I would have done would have been called her daughter, but these neighbors did nothing.   That makes me very sad, because my friend really loved this neighbor.   It is sad her neighbor apparently did not love her back enough to get her help when she needed it.   After two days of her mom not answering the phone to her or me, my friend called in a wellness check on her mom and got her to the hospital.   We should all take notice if the anyone we know is acting strangely and find out why or at least have it checked on.   We could save lives if we did.
     I remember a time a neighbor a couple streets over from my house died in his house and NO ONE missed him NO ONE checked on him until they saw flies gathering on his windows.   I did not know the man myself which is why I did not notice him missing.   When the maintenance department  went to the house to check on why there were so many flies they found what was left of his body laying on his couch. :(   He had been dead so long his body had exploded and there were flies everywhere.   I did not even know the man, but I cried for days at the thought of someone being dead that long and NO ONE noticing or missing them.  We should all try to make friends with our neighbors especially if we do not have any family so if we dispensary for a while without telling anyone someone will ask why.   It is really sad that guy died all alone and we have know way of knowing how much pain he was in before his death.  :(   It is hell to say but maybe he died fast and did not suffer a lot. 
     It is weird to think how one may have several really bad years only to get one really good one and to see that now others in your life are having the bad years now.   It would appear luck travels in a circle sometimes you have the good luck sometimes someone else does.   When we hit those bad luck spots in our life it is important to keep telling ourselves hang in there it will get better.