
הצטרף: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8
לפני 339 ימים


     At this time of year I want to take a few minutes to mention all the things for which I am grateful .   First is my family.   They were there for me when I was sick, when I was frightened, and when I was in need of financial help.   Never once did they tell me no or turn me away.   My brother stayed at the hospital with me till 3 am one time and he had to be at work at 6 am. My oldest sister for years saw to it I got to the store and to the doctor.   My other sister stepped in one time and bought me food when I had made a mistake and wound up short of funds .  As a general rule they never throw what they do for me in my face, although my one sister took to telling watch what I am doing frequently till I told her every time she did that it took away from the good she did for me, then she stopped doing it.    I do what ever I can to help them too , but sometimes I think they do more for me then I could ever do for them.  Growing up we never had much money so we learned if we pulled together we would be stronger, and nothing could hurts us too badly.   We did not always have the most high classed foods but mom and dad made sure we always had something in our tummy before bed.  I can remember nights that supper was just macaroni with mushroom soup on it and a glass of milk, but it was something.   If not for the garden mom dad and my sisters and older brother would plant out behind the house we may have went hungry. but that little garden and mom canning the vegetables we would grow enabled us to have vegetable soup sometimes.   We had our own chickens and sometimes pigs for meat.   Sundays were a special day because on Sundays we got a beef roast for dinner.n0.116.gif   Beef was something we did not grow ourselves.   I am grateful for all the love I had growing up.   I am grateful for my family.  I am grateful for the values my parents instilled in me.   Dad was not around a lot when I was a kid.   He worked a lot and most of his spare time he spent at a bar, but when he was around he made it clear we would listen to our mom or we would have him to deal with.   Dad backed mom to the max.    He straight up told my little brother and me we did not always have to listen to him cause he would not be around all the time BUT we would listen to our mom or we would have him to deal with.   I am grateful they were so strict and taught us about honor and respect.   So few of the children today even understand what these words mean.   I am grateful I was born into a family that loves each other.    
     At this time of year I feel sorry for those who did not have the love I have even if they had way more material things then I ever did, because even if you have all the money in the world if you do not have love you are a pauper.