
Connesso: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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I know I annoy people, A LOT, sometimes. I was just suggested I take a chill pill. lol Not the first time someone has told me that. Like I said, I am aware I annoy some people sometimes. What you all do not get is I rarely do it deliberately. Most times I do not even know I did it, till someone has the brains to tell me i annoyed them, or hurt their feelings. One can not even try to fix a bad behavior IF they have no clue it's bugging people.
Then you will occasionally get those people that say "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID" well if I knew I would not be asking what I did. My neighbor across the street called me a hypocrite one day. I asked her what she meant and why she thought that, and she said you know what you did. We are talking again, but to this day i have no clue on what she based that assumption.
I am aware of a few things I do without realizing it. I say you know wayyyyyyyyyyy too often, as a way to see if the person I am talking to is paying attention. I know I talk way too fast sometimes , thing is in my head it does not seem fast till someone tells me it was too fast. I will then make a continuous effort to slow down my speech. IF I KNOW I AM DOING SOMETHING THAT BUGS SOMEONE, i will make an effort to stop it. Grant it sometimes the mental patch does not hold and i end up doing it again, but it is not for lack of effort to fix it.
I have many friends and family who can not help being on the net on their cells, even when they have company. THAT IS ANNOYING TO ME. My brother's family is a perfect example of that. He asked me down one Christmas, a couple of years ago. They ALL had their noses stuck in the phones and tv. So I said to him, why did you invite me if you were all going to ignore me in favor of your devices? He has not asked me back. That is fine with me, because his favorite hobby is picking at everything I do. I thought I had made the point for him to stop that. It lasted about 10 years, and he has started it up again. Like I said, sometimes mental patches on irritating behavior do not hold. People can try to change things. That is all they can do, either the changes stick or they do not. I have noticed a few people that have read my blogs are annoyed by some of them, and whether I like it or not they will tell me so. Wish everyone would learn to speak their mind.