
Connesso: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Today started out a bit bumpy.   It was my oldest great nieces graduation party.   I went with my sister my oldest reg niece and her daughter.   It was like in the high 80's when they picked me up and I was starting to get an upset stomach from the heat.   I could not believe it when I got in my sisters car SHE HAD THE HEAT ON!!!  High 80's and she is running the heat.   So of course I protested.  I tried to roll down the window and it would not work ( apparently this vehicle has a thing that allows the front seat to lock the windows in the back seat in the upright position.   My sister unlocked it then complained that pollution would get in and it would mess with her breathing. So I rolled it back up, but I added that I was already nauseous and that the heat running with the windows up was making it worse.   I told her if I threw up from the heat it would not be a good thing either.   So she relented and allowed the ac to be on at 77 not great, but at least the heater was not on anymore.
     When you got to our nephews house things got wayyyy better.   We got my sister inside and got her oxygen plugged in and got her a chair with a foot stool.   Someone made lady locks, they were yummy.  I should not have done it but I gave my sister one.   Her daughter has her on a strict diet for her health.   Then I had some of the cookies my nephew's father in law made they were really good and soft.   I gave my sister a piece of one of them but I told her she did not need a whole one on top of the lady lock.   She did however talk me into getting her 1 and 1 doreto later.   I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the piece of cake she was eating I did not give THAT to her nor would I have  after all the other sweets and with her youngest daughter on the way to the party.   When I saw it I said to my sisters son and oldest daughter your sister is going to kill us all if she sees her with all that frosting on that big piece of cake or if she finds out how much water she has drank today.  My sister has kidney probs and is only allowed so much water a day.   I am a firm believer in it is not worth living to be a thousand if you do not enjoy any of it, but my sister got wayyyyyy carried away today.   Think is I am nearly as bad my sugar has been high and I ate 6 cookies myself.   I got kinda mad at my sister later when she accepted a white chocolate sucker on top or all that and her youngest daughter had arrived.   I was taking photos all over the place.   I took 3 different cameras with me 2 regular and 1 waterproof one.  I took the waterproof one over to the pool and handed it to one of my other great nieces and told her to take it under the water to see if it really was waterproof.   It is.   The pictures under the water were kinda hazy because the water was a bit cloudy but the ones taken ofer the water level were really good.   Some of the kids were throwing water balloons around and spraying a hose I did not want in it, because I did not bring any other clothes, but my second to the oldest great nephew was not having that.  I was helping a couple of the girls in the pool with their goggles so i did not notice him sneaking up on me with water balloons.   The first one bounced off me and broke on the ground.  He did not have it full enough so it did not break on contact and it hurt when he hit me with that.   He then went back on the hill over the pool and threw a bunch from there.   One of those struck the pool just inside the rim right where I was standing and drenched me.   When I went back to the party I walked all the way around the house to avoid the hose.  One of his cousins had brought squirt guns and she gave me one.   I waited patiently till my nephew put the hose down and walked away from it.   Then I sprayed him right in the face with ice water I took out of the cooler. lol  He ran back for the hose and I stepped back inside the house.   Hew tried to trick me into coming back out, but I am a little smarter then he is when it comes to things like that. lol 61 years in this family teaches you a lot. I cracked the door and called him by name and said I was born at night but it was not last night lol When he could not get me to come back out so he could spray me he came up with another plan he came in with his clothes all wet cause his dad had sprayed him good, and he hugged me lol.  I told him if his aunt  would not let me ride home with her cause I was wet, he had to take me home. lol he said maybe if I was good.   I dried before we were ready to leave.   All in all it was a reallllly good time one of the best I have had in the past 2 years.