
Connesso: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Lately I have been thinking a lot about loyalty.  Most of us think of loyalty as a  dedication to someone or something by and employee or a member such as a   club member.   Those of you who know me well know for the past 11 years I have been very involved in on line pool leagues.  I have always been loyal to the leagues I was in primarily because I was friends with the owners of the leagues.   When time came for me to leave a league it was always hard on me even if it was my decision because if my loyalty and dedication the the league.   Recently I discovered that loyalty to ones friends should remain even if a parting of the leagues happens.   Imagine my surprise to discover that just because I chose not to leave the league I am currently staff in when the ha and the person I came there with left the league that it would cost me someone I have considered my friend for around 8 years.   I defended this person when people told me he was a liar.   I stood by him when people told me he was bad and not what I thought he was.   I was shocked to find that not only did he lie to me when I always told everyone he never lied to me, but when he knew I would see his lie for what it was he deleted me from his friends lists instead of talking to me and telling me why he did it.   I do not necessarily get rid of someone I called a friend for one mistake or one lie, but I am not stupid and I will not be manipulated.   When he found out  telling me lies is not the way to get me to follow him blindly he  deleted me which makes me wonder was he ever the friend I thought he was?  
     I had many reasons for not leaving the league I have been with for over a year and ran over 1000 tournaments for.   I may have went with him if things had added up but every time I tried to sort it out I found things that did not make sense.  I was not told of the impending split ahead of time, and was shocked that it happened.   I needed answers and my friend was unwilling to give them to me so I found them in other places.   I keep telling people I would make a great detective.   The more answers I uncovered the more sure I became that I did not want to leave this league.  The final piece of the puzzle fell into place after I became admin in the league.   My new positions allowed me access to a tool that would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that my friend had defiantly lied to me.   When I tried to send him a message to find out why I discovered he had deleted me.   Sense he will not talk to me I must draw my own conclusions.   I feel he made this move so he would not be forced to face the lie he told me ( someone that had always trusted him).   I was loyal to him and he did not share the same loyalty to our friendship.   I really think when it comes to friends loyalty should be a 2 way street, not a relationship where one person is loyal and the other does what ever he wants without concern for his friends feelings.