
belépett: 2014.04.15
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     I have come to the opinion that there are more the one way to suffocate.   When most of us think of suffocation we think of lack of oxygen, but I really think you can suffocate from a lack of energy too.   Have you ever been at a party or and event when there was someone there that just sucked all the life, energy and fun out of the room.  It is like when you get there everything is lively and happy and people are all talking and having fun, and then someone will enter and as they move their way around the room you can just feel the energy draining out of the whole party.   It is like they are suffocating the party with negative energy.   I have a niece who has that ability.   She can bring a room down in no time at all, and the crazy part is I do not think she even knows she is doing it.   I think it is a kind of emo when no matter what is said or done they take it as an personal attack on them, and then they either get defensive and combative or they get all poor poor pitiful me and whinny.  Thing that makes me craziest is when I feel like they are dismissing me.   When she says what ever to me or it does not matter, but I can tell it does it makes me want to just scream at her, but sometimes it is best to just walk away, unfortunately keeping your own feelings of irritation is not good for your health.   Sometimes I think you should be like someone springing out of a pool and gasping in air after holding your breath too long.   Just let it all out.   If the person that is causing you to feel this way is truly your friend they will forgive your emotional out burst especially if you say sorry. 
   I have a friend we both have problems with our feelings when we are stressed.   Sometimes we end up yelling at each other but we always forgive each other, because we know how it is when things are overwhelming.  I know this sounds like I am rambling again but if you had the week I had you would see the connection and understand it all.  THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME VENT A LITTLE.