
Nous a rejoint: 2014-04-15
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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    IN THE INTEREST OF CLARITY I WANT TO MAKE SOMETHING PERFECTLY CLEAR!   My blogs are open for anyone to read.   I rarely block anyone or delete any comments made  by anyone to anything I have written.   They are my feelings at the time I write them, and as you may have noticed I rarely put anyone's names in them     I would never seek to embarrass anyone which is why I leave names out.   I also do not "explain" my blogs.   They are what they are.   My feelings at a particular time or on a particular issue or thought, and I try to keep the wording general.   Do they from time to time define a specific event  in my life?  Yes sometimes they do, BUT sometimes people see themselves in a blog that has NOTHING to do with them, and I find it ironic that they complain about something that was not about them.   I could put real peoples names in the stories that would eliminated any doubt who inspired the story. BUT I do not see that as fair, because as I said most times my blogs are just me venting, and are totally from my point of view.   To put someones name in it would shine an unwanted light on them, and make them look bad when there are times I myself am just as much to blame.  
     I do however have a suggestion to anyone who does not like my blogs, JUST DO NOT READ THEM.   You do not read them you can not be upset or hurt by them.   I myself do not read many blogs even though I write many.   If I read a blog it has to be something that catches my attention.   I do not run around looking for blogs that may or may not be about me, because quite frankly I do not care what other people say about me.   The reason I do not care is I know those that are my REAL FRIENDS even if they do read something bad about me they will know what is true and what is not and they will ignore the things that are false.     
     When someone knows you really knows you they know what you will and will not do and no one can lie on you toe them.   A perfect example of this is when a friend of mine (who had approached me on a hider id one time) tried to get me angry at another friend of ours by telling me he was barging about what he had done to me, but she messed up.   She said he said, One more conquest for him.   It was that one word  CONQUEST that told me she was lying and I let her know in no uncertain terms that I knew she was lying and that he had NEVER said that.
     This worrying about things people say when they are venting is why I do not have a face book.  I have seen too many friendships die because of face book postings when someone was upset.    Now I have many people that read my blogs and most will not have a problem with them, but I suggest those that are gonna let things I put in my blogs hurt your feelings WHEN I DO NOT USE NAMES or make you paranoid thinking it was you , just maybe you should look inside you as to why you think it is about you.    Well this clarity I am kicking your way may make things worse instead of better, but I am rapidly approaching the state of I no longer care.