
Nous a rejoint: 2014-04-15
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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   What is more annoying? people that will not stop doing something that upsets you no matter how many times you ask them not to do it, or other people that hear you ask someone not to do something and they try to do the same thing.   I mean seriously I have a hard time keeping from being depressed around this time of year, and this year it is especially hard.  I have had many deaths on and around the holidays so they bum me out anyhow, but this year is really hard.   We lost both my brother and my sister in law this summer so it will be the first family gathering we have had without them sense they got married in 1968, so the last thing I want to do is hear about more people dyeing.   I have told this to one of my friends ( who seems obsessed with death) many times including last night.   I have told him in front of many of our friends.   Well today another friend who knows damn well i do not want to hear about it brought up the subject twice today to me.   Seriously are people really that stupid that they would think when you ask one friend not to talk to you about something it would be ok if they did it.   It reminds me of the little kids i used to babysit.   If I told one of them not to do something right away another of them would try to do it.   I felt like they were trying to see if I liked one of them more then the other and would let them do what I told the other not to do.
     I am not an idiot I realize there are people dying every minute of every day, but can I not have a couple weeks this year that I do not need to think about death and those I have lost?   Is that too much to ask?   Why do people keep bring up deaths to me when they know I do not want to hear about them.  Come on at this time of year is there not a little good news in this world we could talk about instead?
     Tell me about solders that make it home for Christmas, or someone beating a bad illness and being healthier then ever.   I want to hear about healthy babies being born.   Tell me orphan  children find homes.   Is it really too much to ask for a little good news to end this horrible year?