
Nous a rejoint: 2019-07-24
Before you worry about why someone doesnt like you, first ask yourself why you should even care :)
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Have some faith in yourself or no one else will

A couple of months ago, I was looking up good street musicians on youtube, and at some point I stumbled on a video that was very inspiring for me. I remember there was an old man grabbing his guitar and yelling “No matter who you are, no matter where you go in your life, at some point you’re going to need somebody to stand by you.” This morning I tried to find that video, but I couldn't so. I kept looking and found it this is it,, this is him https://youtu.be/Us-TVg40ExM the message that the song gave me is imprinted deep into my mind .I have been to countless weddings as the couples photographer and almost every time the groom and bride told each-other that “They are the love of their lives, and that they couldn’t imagine a life without them.” See, we human beings are gregarious creatures; we always want to be in company of others. Even if some of us prefer to be alone now and then, at the end of the day we all strive to have people around us who love and accept us for who we are. But while doing that, we often forget one of the most important things there is in life, which is to love ourselves. Before wanting others to approve of us, we must learn to accept ourselves, be fine with who we are and have a high self-esteem. Whatever you decide to be in life, whatever goals you decide to pursue, there is one thing that is crucial to do, and that is to love and believe in yourself. If you believe in yourself and have come to terms with who you are, you are going to develop one very important asset, which is self-confidence. In real life, confidence is much more important than knowledge or experience. Self-confidence is how we present ourselves. Your credentials may be impressive, but if your body language gives any indication of uncertainty, then people around you are going to notice that and subconsciously belittle you. But it’s not really about the other people. If you don’t have self-confidence and you don’t believe in yourself, you are not going to like yourself.

We have all done this

Sees my car. Walks up to my car. Opens the door to my car. Tries to get in my car. Freaks out because a stranger is sitting in my car. Turns out, it isn’t my car. Cool, cool.
C"mon tell me you haven't done this at least once or twice or heck a few times cuz I have.,.,, I seriously need to stick somethin on my jeep so I know for sure it's mine in the mall parking lot,,cuz if I been in there more than an hour,,, I'm gonna forget where the heck I parked cuz I really hate shopping at the mall or anywhere,, and women are supposed to love shopping,, just who made that rule :P cuz it 4 sure don't apply to me,,,My rulews like Walmarts Get in get your stuff and get the hell outta dodge ;)

Lost Dog

So I’m driving home this evening, and I see this dog running around the road close by the house and he has a collar. He’s clearly someone’s well-loved pet, so I stop, pick him up, call the owner and the man says “oh you found my dog? Want to just keep him?” And then starts laughing at his own joke. SIR I AM NOT THE RIGHT PERSON TO JOKE WITH ABOUT OWNING MORE DOGS CAUSE I’LL DO IT. I got 4 already :P

Dreamin a lil Dream my cover of Fleetwood Mac's song Dreams


I didn't make you

I didn't make you, I never carried you inside of me I never gave birth to you but I was there the day you were born and I loved you from that day on, never knowing one day I would be your Mom. From the time you were a tiny lil baby, I knew you were a part of my heart and from that day I knew you would do great things in this life, and you have I see them every single day
I held you. I fed you, I snuggled you every chance I got, I cherished my time with you never knowing one day I would spend my life doing things to make you happy- and that would make me happy. You have filled a spot in my heart that needed filling, I never thought I would adopt again but God had other plans, and now were building a life you and me it not always easy but its worth it and I wouldn't trade you for the world a billion times over my Sweet Emma
And then there are the times I get frustrated but even in those times I know I never want to give up. I know it feels like your birth Momma gave up on you but the truth is she gave up on herself and it's our job yours and mine to never give up on her, because we lover her and know the old person is still in there and we pray she finds her way back to us before the drugs make us lose her forever,
You’ve made me rethink my sanity, to put all my focus on you and some days You’ve made me want to fall at my Nanas feet and tell her that I get it .As parents were not perfect were human we make mistakes and sometimes life is overwhelming But then you smile and you say my name….and you grab my hand and you giggle or say sumthin funny and I know its all gonna be ok becuz were in this together and We’re growing together.
We are seeing the world like it’s new. I've opened my heart and let every ounce of love in me rain down all over you,
And together we will walk thru this life together until you let go. I didn't make you you, but you made me a Mom again and for that I am beyond blessed