
ملحق شده: 2016-05-14
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Points needed: 138
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17 ساعت قبل

The emperor has no clothes

Several years ago, I watched the news go by, hearing what politicians said and how it was reported. Utterly fallacious statements were made by one particular pol, and the press eagerly jumped on the bandwagon with its full-throated approval, even though history -- and not ancient history even, recent history -- demonstrated quite clearly that these ideas did not work.
Flash forward to the present, and that same press is braying at all of us that "mother" and "father" are now unacceptable old terms. This is a biological impossibility, but that doesn't stop the madness. My hairdresser recently threw one of her daughter's friends out of her house for referring to her, repeatedly, as her daughter's "birthing person." Being adopted, I get even more of a kick out of this idiocy, since my "birthing person" was not my mother. The United States Air Force now advises that no reference should be made to a service member's "mother" or "father," and has even created a video for new recruits to educate them on using fellow service members by their proper pronouns.
As if. Boys are boys. Girls are girls. It's chosen for us, and if we're unsure, it's easy enough to look down one's own body and identify the salient parts. And for the love of God, not one of us, other than a royal, is a "we" -- as in, "we are not amused." The rest of us are just me, or you, or him or her, or my. Not "our," "my." Every time I see an individual referred to as a "they" in a news story it just cracks me up.
Can the time be far distant when each of us decides what color the sky is, and when it will be offensive to refer to it as blue lest we offend another who "identifies" it as red?
It's time we stop the madness. Language exists cooperatively, otherwise it becomes babble. Our newest Supreme Court justice may not know what a woman is, but I do. Been one all of my adult life. The United States was formed in 1776, not 1619 -- and in 1776, it had to fight the greatest existing power at the time just to be able to form THEN. If we can't agree on actual facts, society's utter breakdown is inevitable.
Sorry to be so direct today, and not the slightest bit amusing. Just wanted to encourage everyone who can read this to run over to a safe space where one can conduct truth-telling, and encourage other to join them!!!!!