ملحق شده: 2013-01-10
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───═*◦हैैRैहै◦*═─── Murió Roberto Gómez Bolaños “Chespirito───═*◦हैैßैहै◦*═───


Murió Roberto Gómez Bolaños




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Hace varios dias, dieron a conocer que el comediante mexicano Roberto Gómez Bolaños “Chespirito”, falleció en Cancún, Quintana Roo, a la edad de 85 años.

Roberto Gómez Bolaños nació el 21 de febrero de 1929 en la Ciudad de México. Estudió ingeniería en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, pero nunca se graduó. A lo largo de su vida se desempeñó como actor, comediante, escritor, dramaturgo, guionista, compositor, director y productor de televisión.

En los primeros años de su vida laboral fue creativo en agencias publicitarias. Su trabajo en el área del entretenimiento comenzó en la década de los cincuenta, cuando se desempeñó como guionista de varias películas y programas televisivos, principalmente para la pareja de cómicos Viruta y Capulina.

Gracias a su talento para escribir y a su corta estatura, el director cinematográfico Agustín P. Delgado lo apodó “Chespirito”, haciendo referencia a William Shakespeare.

En 1968, Televisión Independiente de México le dio la oportunidad de escribir y dirigir un programa de media hora a su antojo. Así inició el programa “Los Supergenios de la Mesa Cuadrada” y su carrera como actor. En 1970 su espacio televisivo aumentó a una hora y surgió el personaje del Chapulín Colorado. Un año después haría su aparición el Chavo del Ocho.

Después surgieron más programas y personajes como El Doctor Chapatín, El Chompiras o Chaparrón Bonaparte.

Acompañado de un grupo de actores integrado por Carlos Villagrán, Ramón Valdés, Florinda Meza, Rubén Aguirre, Édgar Vivar, Angelines Fernández, Raúl Padilla, Horacio Gómez Bolaños y María Antonieta de las Nieves, sus programas tuvieron gran éxito no sólo en México sino en todo el mundo de habla hispana.


En Centro y Sudamérica, las giras de Chespirito y sus compañeros actores desbordaban las calles y llenaban estadios. Incluso en varios países, los programas de este comediante han roto récords de audiencia y siguen transmitiéndose con altos niveles de rating.

En el cine actuó, escribió y dirigió cintas como El Chanfle I y II, Música de Viento, o Charrito. En el teatro actuó y escribió la obra de teatro 11 y 12, que logró mantenerse en el gusto del público a lo largo de 28,000 funciones.


Escribió los libros “Y también poemas”, “El Diario del Ocho” y “Sin querer queriendo”.

En 1968 se casó con Graciela Fernández, con quien tuvo seis hijos.

Años después se divorció e inició una relación sentimental con la actriz Florinda Meza, con quien contrajo matrimonio en el 2004.

Abrió su cuenta de Twitter en mayo del 2011, en la que tuvo más de 5 millones de seguidores.

Descanse en paz Chespirito, una de las figuras más representativas de la historia de la televisión latinoamericana.



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(¯`·.¸¸.·>>Thanksgiving Didn't Originate in America



This Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2005 photo shows a detail of the 1914 Jennie Brownscombe painting

Thanksgiving Didn't Originate in America

When the Pilgrims first settled in America in 1620, it was actually pretty common back home

in Europe to gather together in large groups for a meal and give thanks to God,

according to Thanksgiving research from Mental Floss. And with so much

to give thanks for in those early days—from a good crop coming

in to a drought ending—it's unlikely that the 1621 celebration we all cite as the

"First Thanksgiving" was truly the very first one.

In fact, it was common for an entire day of thanksgiving to be declared on the very date

a ship would first land in new territory. The history books cite lots of previous examples of this,

including those who came over on a ship called the Margaret in 1619 and another group of Spanish

explorers back in 1565.  So why do we refer to the 1621 feast as the "First Thanksgiving"?

 It's probably all due to a woman named Sarah Josepha Hale. (But more on that later.)


Old Bible in English, Geneva, Switzerland, Europe

Thanksgiving Was Never Tied to Religion

Though it's commonly believed that the first Thanksgiving was rooted in religion

(being that they were giving thanks to God for their good fortune),

it really wasn't actually a religious event. If it had been,

the Native Americans wouldn't have been there, and the day would have been less

about feasting on food and more about praying.

Thanksgiving Dinner

"Traditional" Thanksgiving Foods Weren't Served

If you think the Pilgrims were asking their new Native friends to please pass the stuffing,

you might want to think again. In fact, most of the foods we now consider to be

Thanksgiving classics weren't even around back then. Those at the feast did enjoy things

 like goose, duck, seafood, nuts, corn, carrier pigeon (yes) and pumpkin—but sadly,

not in pie form.  One other noticeably absent Thanksgiving menu staple? Turkey. Go figure!

A depiction of early settlers of the Plymouth Colony sharing a harvest Thanksgiving meal with members of the local Wampanoag tribe at the Plymouth Plantation, Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1621. (Photo by Frederic Lewis/Archive Photos/Getty Images)

Native Americans Didn't Wear Loin Cloths

Yes, really. And it makes sense. Have you ever stopped to realize how utterly cold it is in

New England during November? That Thanksgiving feast with the Pilgrims

would have been super uncomfortable if the Native Americans arrived in nothing

but a little fabric draped around their waists. Instead, historians are pretty positive they were fully clothed.

Pilgrim Hat Icon

Pilgrims Didn't Wear Buckled Hats

It's true—buckles didn't even become a thing until the 18th century (200 years after the first Thanksgiving). Which means that somewhere over the last two centuries, someone just started adding buckles into these early American scenes, and the rest of us just went with it.

We don't know about you, but we feel slightly deceived.

An adorable preschool boy wearing Pilgrim clothes carrying an armload of fresh corn on the cob.

The Pilgrims Wore Earth Tones

While we're on the subject of clothing myths, here's another one for you

that might blow your mind. Remember those black-and-white get-ups

you wore as a kid in your Thanksgiving parade?

They weren't exactly historically accurate, either.

Back in the 1600s, black fabric was super expensive,

which meant that the average Pilgrim would have

likely clad themselves in earth tones like browns and greens,

rather than stark black and white.

Beautiful decoration with antique forks on raw wooden background. Grunge style.

There Were No Forks!

Though it's hard to believe, forks weren't actually invented at this point.

Instead, those present at the "first" Thanksgiving dug into their plates of food

with spoons, knives and the original "fork"—aka their hands.

A bowl of popcorn on a wooden table

Popcorn Wasn't on the Menu

Believe it or not, a myth has persisted for some time now that Native Americans not only invented popcorn, but also brought it to the first Thanksgiving. Sorry to say, this one's oh-so-false. (They were way more into the carrier pigeon.)

American writer Sarah Josepha Hale (1788 - 1879), circa  1850. Engraving by J.C. Buttre. (Photo by Kean Collection/Archive Photos/Getty Images)

Sarah Josepha Hale Started the First National Thanksgiving

We wouldn't even have a national Thanksgiving holiday if it weren't for a woman by the name of Sarah Josepha Hale, a magazine editor who campaigned endlessly for the holiday by writing to many U.S. presidents over the course of decades. Hale was so dedicated to the cause that her campaign spanned five presidencies before one president finally said yes.

So this year, when you're stuffing yourself with that last piece of pumpkin pie, just remember: You have a lady named Sarah to thank for it.

A photographic portrait is displayed showing Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. Retired physician and medical historian, Norbert Hirschhorn wrote a study that suggests Lincoln''s use of a medication in the form of a blue pill for depression contained enough mercury to cause uncontrollable bouts of anger in the President and could have eventually killed him had he not stopped taking the pills. (Photo by Hulton/Archive/Getty Images)

Abraham Lincoln Officially Declared the Holiday

It was President Abraham Lincoln who finally granted Hale her wish in 1863, when he set aside the last Thursday in November to remember the now-200-year-old feast. And to think, all it took to convince him was reading one of her letters!

A rather luridly coloured 19th century illustration of the 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' nursery rhyme, from the 'Little Folks Colored Picture Book' published c1875 by McLoughlin Bros., New York. (Now in the public domain.)

Sarah Hale Also Wrote a Famous Nursery Rhyme

Not only do we owe Thanksgiving to Sarah Hale, but we also owe a certain nursery rhyme that's forever stuck in our heads: "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Hale penned the rhyme sometime in the 1830s, as part of a children's book of poetry. It was just one of many works

Hale would live to see published during her lifetime,

though this would be the one to make her the most famous.

Portrait of Thomas Jefferson (Shadwell, 1743-Charlottesville, 1826), American politician, scientist and architect, third President of the United States of America. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)

Thomas Jefferson Wasn't a Fan of Thanksgiving

And by "not a fan" we mean really not a fan. The famous president was actually quoted as saying

it was "the most ridiculous idea."

(Clearly, that's only because he lived long before mac and cheese, green

bean casserole and blueberry pie could all be served during the same meal.)

Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt with his wife Eleanor, serving Thanksgiving turkey to polio patients who drew lots to see who would sit at the Pres.'s table in Georgia Hall at Warm Springs Foundation.  (Photo by Margaret Bourke-White/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)

FDR Tried to Move Thanksgiving

While President Franklin D. Roosevelt had no qualms about the holiday itself, he did attempt

to move its date one year during his presidency.

Back in 1939, the 32nd president pushed the holiday up by one week, in hopes that having it earlier

would mean Americans would start shopping for Christmas earlier,

giving the post-Depression-era economy a boost.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko addresses a joint meeting of Congress at the US Capitol in Washington, DC, September 18, 2014. Russia's annexation of Crimea was an act of

Congress Set the Official Date for Thanksgiving

In 1941, to avoid any further presidential date-meddling with the holiday, Congress officially declared the fourth Thursday of every November to be the Thanksgiving we know and love today. As for kick-starting the holiday shopping season? Retailers have learned that if they want customers to start shopping earlier, the date that should move is Black Friday.

Free Range Organic Turkeys

Minnesota Produces the Most Turkeys

Yep, the North Star state of Minnesota produces the largest number of turkeys every year, with some 450 farmers raising a staggering 46 million turkeys annually. Needless to say, they do pretty well for themselves come Thanksgiving time.

Holiday whole cooked turkey with glaze, herbs, and stuffing on fresh herbs and lemons on serving platter with carving utensils

Millions of Turkeys Are Eaten Each Thanksgiving

According to the National Turkey Federation (because yes, there is such a thing), 46 million turkeys were eaten on Thanksgiving in 2012 alone. That's 736,000 pounds of turkey consumed—in just one day!

Woman lying in bed under sheet

Turkey Doesn't Actually Make You Tired

Sorry—you can't blame all that turkey for why you want to suddenly fall into a deep, never-ending sleep at the end of your Thanksgiving meal. Your annual food coma is more likely to stem from all the wine-drinking/carb-loading/non-stop cooking you've been doing all day long. Oh, and the fact that you got up at all sorts of unnatural hours to start prepping.

Joique Bell of the Detroit Lions tries to split the tackles of M.D. Jennings and Tramon Williams of the Green Bay Packers during a third quarter run at Ford Field on November 28, 2013 in Detroit, Michigan. (Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images)

The Thanksgiving/Football Tradition Began in 1876

As far as most Americans are concerned, Thanksgiving and football go hand in hand, just like Thanksgiving and turkey. And that's probably because they go way, way back. About 13 years after the first national Thanksgiving Day was declared, Yale played Princeton's football team, kicking off the first major Thanksgiving Day game of the season. This tradition carried on that way until 1920, when the National Football Association had six different teams played on the holiday.

Famously, the Detroit Lions have played on Thanksgiving every day since 1934—the only year they missed was during World War II.

Part of the Thanksgiving Day Parade that officially brings Santa Claus into the Metropolis, New York, New York, late 1920s. The Fish Balloon is 35 feet long, while the Tiger Balloon is 60 feet long, and will be released as the parade nears its end on Broadway. They are filled with helium and will drift for a week, with a $100 prize awarded for each one recovered.. (Photo by Underwood Archives/Getty Images)

The First Parades Started in the 1920s

Though Thanksgiving Day parades are held all over the U.S., the most famous one is arguably the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, which has been held on the streets of New York City since 1924. (And believe it or not, it was called the Macy's Christmas Parade at first.) But while the Macy's parade may be the most famous today, it actually wasn't the first parade of its kind.

An Eddie Cantor balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on Broadway, New York, 29th November 1934. (Photo by FPG/Getty Images)

Parade Balloons Were Originally Released

Though we've all come to associate Thanksgiving Day parades with their giant, over-the-top floats, it wasn't always that way. In fact, for the first three years, the Macy's Day Parade featured live animals including lions and even elephants. However, in 1927, parade organizers canceled the live animals and brought in parade floats.

For the first few years, parade floats were originally released into the air at the end of a parade. The first balloons were so shoddy, they popped almost immediately. But by 1929, float minders installed safety valves, which kept the floats drifting through the air for literally days. Once a float landed, the lucky person who found it could return it to the address printed on its side and get a $100 check from Macy's.

This practice, as you might imagine, didn't always go well. It was canceled in 1932, after one float soared so high, it wrapped itself around a plane's wing and sent it into a tailspin.



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(((¯`'·.¸(Our players have special skills)¸.·'´¯)))


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Luis Suarez admits he doesn’t know how Steven Gerrard managed to go on, after THAT slip against Chelsea last season.

In the world of football, sometimes we forget the work of the goalkeepers.

That is why we decided to make a TOP5 to honor them. Don't miss the five best saves! No2SwirlingFlagblackbackground.jpg


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^V^Suarez the Ugly Biting Defenders , will make Barcelona more dangerous.^V^


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Barcelona forward Luis Suarez says he is receiving help to prevent his "impulse" to bite.

The Uruguay international was handed a four-month ban in June for biting Italy's Giorgio Chiellini at the World Cup. He had been reprimanded on two previous occasions for similar offenses after biting PSV's Otman Bakkal in 2010 and Chelsea's Branislav Ivanovic in 2013

Suarez admits he has a problem, but believes he is on the "right path" to overcoming the issue.

"I think all the bad things I have been through are in the past," Suarez told The Guardian. "I believe I am on the right path now, dealing with the people who can help me, the right kind of people. Everyone has different ways of defending themselves. In my case, the pressure and tension came out in that way.


"There are other players who react by breaking someone's leg, or smashing someone's nose across their face. What happened with Chiellini is seen as worse. I understand why biting is seen so badly."

However, Suarez — who could make his first competitive Barca outing in Saturday's much-anticipated Clasico encounter with Real Madrid — remains unrepentant over his dispute with Patrice Evra in October 2011, for which he was banned for eight games and fined 40,000 pounds after being found guilty of racial abuse.

"I know I was wrong with the biting and the diving but I was accused of racism without any proof," he added. "There were lots of cameras, but no evidence. It hurts me the most that it was my word against theirs."

Luis Suarez is making his return to Barcelona this month.

However you might rank them, at least five of the 10 best players in the world have played for Barcelona or Real Madrid this season. They are, in no particular order: Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, James Rodriguez, Neymar and Gareth Bale.

When Luis Suarez returns, make it six.

The Uruguayan forward made the switch to Barcelona this summer from Liverpool after the World Cup, where Suarez bit Italian defender Giorgio Chiellini and earned himself a ban from all meaningful soccer from the summer until now.


His first game back was always going to be against Madrid. You see, Suarez has a flair for the dramatic, for better or for worse. At his worst, he’s biting defenders or kicking out at them, petulant and ugly. At his best, Suarez is a constant thorn in opposing defenders’ sides, always putting pressure on them and trying the runs and shots they don’t expect.

In other words, However you might rank them, at least five of the 10 best players in the world have played for Barcelona or Real Madrid this season. They are, in no particular order: Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, James Rodriguez, Neymar and Gareth Bale.

When Luis Suarez returns, make it six.

The Uruguayan forward made the switch to Barcelona this summer from Liverpool after the World Cup, where Suarez bit Italian defender Giorgio Chiellini and earned himself a ban from all meaningful soccer from the summer until now.

His first game back was always going to be against Madrid. You see, Suarez has a flair for the dramatic, for better or for worse. At his worst, he’s biting defenders or kicking out at them, petulant and ugly. At his best, Suarez is a constant thorn in opposing defenders’ sides, always putting pressure on them and trying the runs and shots they don’t expect.


In other words, Suarez brings something that will make Barcelona exponentially more dangerous.

Suarez is usually the first line of defense against a team bringing the ball out of defense, making every pass harder for defenses. He created a lot of chances for Liverpool during his tenure there just by being a pain in the ass. The pressure he creates against defenders led them into stray passes or often giving the ball straightaway to Suarez. If Suarez can replicate that defensive effort for Barcelona, Neymar and Messi will benefit hugely.

This kind of move happened often for Liverpool last season with Daniel Sturridge and the rest of his teammates. Suarez would latch on to a ball or help cause a turnover, and red shirts would stream forward. It’s a dangerous move because the defense is going to be out of position. Now imagine La Liga defenses out of position against Suarez with Neymar and Messi sprinting at them. It’s so, so unfair. 


But that’s only half of the story. Even when defenses are set, they’re going to have a devil of a time against Suarez with the ball at his feet because he threatens the goal but is always looking to set his teammates up at the same time.

What will be interesting with Suarez at Barcelona is how he’ll work with Messi. There aren’t many players who can run at defenders with the ball and maintain possession like Messi and Suarez. Also, they’re both unfairly good at quick-touch passes that can beat defenses playing them tight.

Add that to Neymar. If they play in the right formation, it’ll be Suarez and Neymar with Messi sitting just behind them. Those are three of the best five players in the world occupying the same space, and they’re all threats to score or set one another up.

Of course, there’s one huge caveat: Suarez can’t do anything crazy again. He’s said he won’t, but he said that before this summer, too. If he can keep his composure, Barcelona will have the most potent offense ever assembled in the history of club soccer. brings something that will make Barcelona exponentially more dangerous.    

Suarez is usually the first line of defense against a team bringing the ball out of defense, making every pass harder for defenses. He created a lot of chances for Liverpool during his tenure there just by being a pain in the ass. The pressure he creates against defenders led them into stray passes or often giving the ball straightaway to Suarez. If Suarez can replicate that defensive effort for Barcelona, Neymar and Messi will benefit hugely.

This kind of move happened often for Liverpool last season with Daniel Sturridge and the rest of his teammates. Suarez would latch on to a ball or help cause a turnover, and red shirts would stream forward. It’s a dangerous move because the defense is going to be out of position. Now imagine La Liga defenses out of position against Suarez with Neymar and Messi sprinting at them. It’s so, so unfair.

But that’s only half of the story. Even when defenses are set, they’re going to have a devil of a time against Suarez with the ball at his feet because he threatens the goal but is always looking to set his teammates up at the same time.

What will be interesting with Suarez at Barcelona is how he’ll work with Messi. There aren’t many players who can run at defenders with the ball and maintain possession like Messi and Suarez. Also, they’re both unfairly good at quick-touch passes that can beat defenses playing them tight. 


Add that to Neymar. If they play in the right formation, it’ll be Suarez and Neymar with Messi sitting just behind them. Those are three of the best five players in the world occupying the same space, and they’re all threats to score or set one another up.

Of course, there’s one huge caveat: Suarez can’t do anything crazy again. He’s said he won’t, but he said that before this summer, too. If he can keep his composure, Barcelona will have the most potent offense ever assembled in the history of club soccer.


BBaE0AK.img?h=351&w=624&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=fBBaBc4l.img?h=0&w=676&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=fBBaATwa.img?h=0&w=676&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f&xUnder Pep Guardiola, Bayern seems to be going from strength to strength. Last year, they won the league in record time (just games). Their unbeaten run started in the treble winning season of 2012. Powered by eventual world cup winners Bastian Schweinsteiger, XYZ, the Bavarians scored an incredible 120 goals in total.No2SwirlingFlagblackbackground.jpg


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