
ملحق شده: 2019-07-24
Before you worry about why someone doesnt like you, first ask yourself why you should even care :)
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That 4 letter word LIFE

May the space between where I am and where I wanna be Inspire me, becuz life sure is better when your smiling n0.gif?v=122
Life a 4 letter word, sounds so simple but comes with so many complexities..It isn't just about the events going on in and around our crazy world,It's also about the battles going on inside each and every one of us, yea all of us..A battle of Heart and Mind..a battle of Words said and Words left unsaid...a battle of what we want and what the cards of life have dealt us,A battle that is sometimes fought all day every day and sometimes sneaks into our sleep into our dreams..Love , pain, happiness, betrayal, sadness, all of these emotions together give birth to this chaos we all call LIFE..like the quote says Life isn't easy but it sure is worth it..even if it's chaos, even if it's a battle, you don't just win or lose in life , you live it each and every day as if it were your last and for some it is and then there is the rest of us who get another chance at it the next day when we wake to see the sun,,,One day at time is how I live my life and I am thankful for that day, every single day that I get it and , no matter what kinda day it is, there is always, always a reason to smile n0.gif?v=122