You have heard the expression a leopard does not change its spots. Well I got a more appropriated one for you A SKUNK NEVER LOSES ITS STRIPES. I know this person who is defiantly a skunk. He will get close when he wants something but it is all a joke he will turn on you in a minute and spray you with his foul stench. He called me after I got out of the hospital pretending he cared about me. Then he called me a couple times after when he needed someone to talk to, and when I let my guard down he told something I did not want told. I have a bunch of yahoo ids and I use most of them from time to time and I use different names on all of them. He took it upon himself to tell a friend of ours it was me on one of my other ids.
I want to make it clear her knowing was not the issue. I would probably have told her myself in time. The issue is first I DID NOT TELL HIM HE GUESSED IT AND SECOND IT WAS NOT HIS SERET TO TELL ANYONE. People say women talk too much but I am telling you this guy gossips more then any ten women I know. He wanted to play like he did not know it was a secret. He is not that stupid. I do not use my real name when I am on that id and NEVER HAVE so why would it not be a secret. Then he tries to make it seem like it is not a big deal cause he only told one person, BUT when you do that you never know who all that person will tell it to. I do not know why some people think it is fun to try to mess with other peoples lives. But this just proves a skunk does not lose its stripes.