
Afiliado: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Let's move on to something more cheerful.   I did not go to bed till 10 am this morning and when I did the sun was starting to shine.   It is still shining brightly.   I can see the rainbow pattern on my living room wall as it shines through the crystal heart hanging in my kitchen window.   I actually have a couple crystal sun catchers in that window as it is the only one capable of catching the correct light to make the rainbow colors inside my house.   The sky has been cloudy for many days so the sun shine is a welcome sight even though it is false advertisement. lol   The sun says to you come out and enjoy the day.   I am shining just for you.   Then you open the door to join the sun outside, and you get hit in the face with the fact that even though the sun is bright, it is still winter and quite cold outside.   So you pull back inside your nice warm house and look at the pretty sun light through the window, and dream of spring only a couple months away now.  
     Sadly the sun will be going below the building on the other side of the road in about 2 hours and the cold night air will take over the place of the sun for another night.   Is this world not a wondrous thing?   Where I live we have all 4 seasons.   I love the spring best.   Everything is coming back to life pushing away the grey and browns of winter with green everywhere and then the flowers come.   Unless you are this bush at the building across the street from my house.   This bush blooms BEFORE the leaves show up and then after the flowers die the leaves come out and it is green all summer and most of the fall before the leaves fall off.   It then stands there like a bundle of sticks bare and brown until the beginning of spring when the flowers return followed by the leaves again.   This bush is the only thing I have ever seen that the flower came before the leaves.
     In the spring we can open our doors and windows and push the winters stale air out to make way for fresh clean spring air, but alas we are not there yet as the chilly winter air just outside my door proves.   Hope you all have a nice day.


FIRST I WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE WHO VOICED THEIR OPINIONS.   I love an open discussion. There were so many I decided to write the reply as a blog itself.

lazee.dayz : It is true we do only know what the media tells us MOSTLY, but I know my friend is not getting her pension because of the shut down and that is not good for the American people.   We work and are told the money is set aside for our old age, and when the time comes the politicians keep it from us when we need it most.   Oh and I NEVER said they stole out jobs or the subsidies.   The government gave the subsidies to them.   I too thought Trump would be a far better choice then Hillary.  I also think congress fought him on things they should not have in the past that is why he is fighting so hard for this wall now.   I should tell you though I am not as influenced by the media as you think I am.   I do not watch the news on tv or read the news paper.  I get most of my info from the people that are being affected by the events.  And thank you for reading my blogs it is nice to know you like most of them and it is nice you feel comfortable voicing a different opinion on topics.

UMMM BILL he also promised MEXICO would pay for that wall and he said HE would build it so why is he using these tactics if Mexico is going to pay for it and if he is going to build it.

WELL SAID artm123 as usual you make good points.

MY POINT EXACTLY!  prd10, a wall will not work!

WOW _ _Paul_ _   YOUR COMMENTS WERE EXCELLENT, and I agree 100% with your opinion on this topic.    I know it is hard on people in your position too.   I hate it when our vets are treated badly, and when I see things that I feel are wrong I have to speak out about it.   Paul I love everything you said, it is all so true.  I really hope things get better for you all soon.  Know this Paul I CARE about everyone who is being hurt by this and I have said for a while he is trying to extort this country into giving him this big wall NOT so he can protect our boarders but so he can say look what I did while I was president.   However congress is not totally blameless in this either.

And lazee.dayz  I really think it is time for you to pull your head out of that whole you have shoved it into so you do not have to see what is going on and take a look at the REAL state of this country.   I also find it very interesting your desire to try to make _ _ Paul _ _ look like he was not being truthful even to the point of demanding to know who pays for the wi-fi.   NOW YOU TELL ME THIS WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES WHO IS PAYING FOR HIS WI-FI HAVE TO DO WITH THE FACT PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY ARE SUFFERING BECAUSE OF THIS I WANT TO BUILD A WALL THING, because I really do not see the connection.  Here is the thing like   DRAGONFIRE pointed out there are many places that have free wi-fi these days, but apparently you did not know that.

MIKE6193 The point I am trying to make here is if they are in this country illegally, and NOT US CITIZENS they should not be getting anything from OUR GOVERNMENT.   OOOOOOOO and I got a solution for that they had their children here thing.   IF THE PARENTS WERE ILLEGAL WHEN THEIR CHILD WAS BORN IN THE USA, both parent and children should be returned to Mexico until the children reach the age of legal adult hood in the USA and then WITH THEIR AMERICAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE  TO PROVE THEY WERE BORN HERE they children should be allowed to return to the USA as the American citizens they are, or if their parents fill out the proper papers and are allowed back in this country under out laws as legal aliens then the children born here can come back with their parents.    You are however right about enforcing the laws to the book.  I have said all along that would be better than a wall.

IN CONCLUSION OF THIS REPLY.  I stand where I have always stood.   No wall.   Restart the government and give people what is owed them.   Enforce the immigration laws, and send back anyone who is not here legally


     I really do not think half of you realize what this stupid government shut down it going to our poor people and our elderly.   I was talking to one of my friend I have know for many years tonight, and if this crap does not stop she is going to be out on the street literally by the first of February, because this shutdown has stopped the pension check she was getting from a branch of the government, and because she has no where to store it she will lose all her possessions and even her clothes.   She does not even have a car to live in and the temps are supposed to drop again in about a week to the teens.   It is nice for our wonderful president and the legislature to set in their nice warm homes most paid for by the tax payers while our poor and elderly will be dying in the streets if this does not stop.   I love this country just as much as anyone, BUT I PERSONALLY LOVE OUR PEOPLE MORE.   I challenge  anyone who still thinks this stupid wall is worth all this to tell me if they would stand behind that moronic idea if it was their mom, or grandma, or wife and kids that were going to be going hungry or be freezing on the streets?   How can anyone listen to stories of people who will be losing their homes soon in the damn middle of winter and be out on the streets, and still think this government shut down is a good thing.  
     I personally will be ok.  I have some family that would not allow me myself to be homeless, but what about people like my friend who have no where to go?   She lives too far away for me to offer her lodging in my house or I would rather then see her freezing on the streets in this weather.   
     At the bottom of all the trash that has been thrown around Washington for months is not really the border, because frankly  IT WILL NOT WORK to keep people out.   NO one is taking into consideration a wall is pointless.   If people can not go over or through it they will either go around it or UNDER IT.   Has no one ever heard of a tunnel.  No way will this thing be deep enough in the ground to stop someone who really wanted to get in this country from digging under it.   In the mean time while he is trying to extort the money for this wall out of the government by cutting the life line to the poor and elderly in this country  ( extort: to obtain from a person by force, intimidation)   No one can deny cutting off the funds to people who not only need it but many have worked for their mentions, and if you think it is not intimating to have your home and all your possessions ripped away from you in the middle of winter because you do not have the money with which to pay your rent because it is being held by the government, you should try it some time.  
     I really hope not a single one of these positions involved in this mess get reelected, because none of them are realllllllly looking out for the good of the American people.  Trump wants his wall so bad so he can sit back in his old age and say look what I did.  And the congress did not like him getting elected from the first place so they fought him all the way.  Not all his ideas for this country were bad ones but THIS ONE IS REALLY BAD.  If congress had let some of his other ideas pass through maybe he would not be hanging on to this one so tight.   I keep thinking of a line I heard on the tv show M.A.S.H.  one time.   Hawk-eye was talking to a Korean soldier  he told the soldier we were over there to help keep them free, and he replied What good is it to be free if you destroy your own home to get there.   That is how I feel about this lets pretend I am wrong for a min ( which I am not), but lets pretend after many months of a stand off congress relents and lets him have the funding for the wall.   HOW MANY OF THE AMERICAN CITIZENS (THAT HE IS CLAIMING THE WALL WILL PROTECT ) WILL BE DEAD FROM STARVATION OR FREEZING TO DEATH OR SOMEONE KILLING THEM WHEN THEY ARE SLEEPING ON THE STREET FOR ANYTHING THEY MAY HAVE THE OTHER PERSON WANTS.   I really think this is bad.   My dad and mom grew up doing the depression and dad used to tell me stories about not having much food to eat.   Do we really want to do that to our people when it is not needed.
    I DO NOT WANT ANYONE I CARE ABOUT LIVING ON THE STREETS IN THIS WEATHER.   I just wish I had the money trump has.   I would give it to the poor people he is hurting with this wall thing.   Here is an idea if he wants it so bad why does he not put up the funding for at least half of it out of his own pocket?   It should be tax deductible as a  for either an endowment or sense he would be  donating it as a charitable act, and IF HE DID THAT, even though I still think a wall is a stupid idea, I think congress should let him have the other half just to put a stop to this stand off and help our people who are suffering because of it.
     Ok I will climb back down off my soap box now for a while anyhow.


      I saw on the news the snap funding may not be in place in March if the government shut down continues, and I have just one question:   IS IT WORTH IT?   Is it worth hurting our own citizens force the building of a wall to keep people from other countries out?   I really think anyone here should be here legally or not at all.   But how is making our own people go hungry for the betterment of this country?   How is these tactics any better then extortion?   To say if I do not get what I want you will not get what you need.
     Any of you remember a show called Barney Miller?   It was about police detectives.   In the one episode a son wanted his mother to give him her money, and when she refused he took her false teeth telling her he could do it because he paid for them.   She could not eat anything but soup after her son took her teeth.   He went to jail for extortion.   How is this any different?  The cutting of the snap program would take food out of the mouths of those that need it.   Children and elderly would be going to bed hungry.   How is torturing your own people going to make this country stronger or safer.   Ask any hungry child what they would rather have a big wall somewhere they will probably never see or food in their tummy's.  
     I am sure there will be people that will think the program is not necessary anyhow, and to them I would like to challenge anyone who says it is not necessarily to try to live on what any recipients are living on and not have them to help.   It is a common misconception  among people of higher incomes that people on snap are all bums and drug pushers, but IF YOU ACTUALLY GOT TO KNOW THESE PEOPLE you would find out most are hard working people that just do not get paid enough to live on their wages in today's inflated world.  
     I myself live in a government house and most of my neighbors are hard working people that go to work every day just like those that look down on us, but the jobs we can find in this area do not pay enough to live on. Some families have more then one person working and still struggle to meet their bills.   
     There was a lady on tv tonight that said it best if the law makers had to live like the people that need snap do and only have what they do this budget would be signed in 2 weeks because they would not be able to do it.


     I love a good intelligent debate with someone who has a different opinion, and sometimes a well thought out argument can change my mind, but this person seems to be kind of toxic.    I really am not sure I want to keep allowing this person to attempt to make himself feel better by putting anyone who does not agree with him down.   When it was just me it was one thing, but I do not appreciate one visitor to my page being mean to another person on my page just because they disagreed with you and agreed with me.  I would love to know what those of you who read my blogs think.  Should I block him or not?   Normally I allow people to speak their mind, but I am really tired of the name calling when he knows he is wrong.