
Afiliado: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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I want to wish all you mothers out there a very happy Mother's Day. I lost my mother many years ago, and I still miss her. To all those of you who still have your mother's I would like to say, even if they annoy you sometimes still treating you like a child. You should be happy you still have your mom, and treasure every minute you have with them. My mother was truly my best friend at the time. Before she got ill we would go every where together, and then after she got ill I took on the role of primary care taker for her. The doctor suggested we send her to a nursing home for her last few months before her death. When my sister told me what the doctor said, I told her to tell him no way in hell was I sending my mom to a home as long as I could take care of her. My mom did not dump me when I thought I was losing my mind, and she changed my dippers long before disposables were invented. For all of you too young to remember when they were not around, you did not throw them away when they were used. You washed the dippers. There were this thin like tissue paper or cheese cloth liner thing you could get if you had the money. It did not keep the dipper from being soiled. It's purpose was to keep most of the solid stuff from being smashed into the all cotton dippers. Two of my aunts stopped by to see mom one day before she died. My brother and sisters and I had her a nice set up in the living room as she could not climb the stairs anymore. We also had a port a potty that my brother had made a screen of shower curtains and small plumbing pipes. It sat behind the bed, and the screen was closed when mom was not using it. One of my aunts asked what was behind the screen and mom pulled it back to show the port a potty. My aunts were surprised. The aunt that had been a nurse said you can not even tell it is here. My mom laughed she said of course not, that I took it and cleaned it every time she used it. I had made up my mind I would take as good of care of her on her way out of this world as she did of me when I was too small to take care of myself. Many children and young adults today do not see the things their moms do for them. So many are all about what they want. Partly that is the parent's fault for giving into the children too much when they were little. Every parent wants their child to have what the parent sees as a better life then they had, and as a result we have produced some really spoiled adults that still want their parents to do everything for them like they did when they were kids. They do not take into consideration their parents are not as young as they were back then. I miss my mom. If I had her back I would do a few things different. I was a bit mouthy when I was a teen, and most times mom let me get away with it, but she had a reason. My big brother asked my mom one time why she let me get away with talking to her like that( he knew he would not have gotten away with it) mom told him it was because I did everything she told me to. She said that I may run my mouth, but if she told me to do something she could be sure I would do it. My brother had a habit of doing the opposite of what mom told him to do.
Ok I know I got a bit off the point I just think if you still have your parents , you should spend as much time with them as you can. Listen to the stories they tell, even if you have heard them hundreds of times. Let them tell the stories again. It will help to keep their memory strong in their old age. I discovered very young if you want to remember something you need to take it out of your head and think or talk about it from time to time. Try to make as many memories of your parents as you can while they are still here to create them with you. Many times grown children get busy with their own lives and forget their parents will soon be all out of life and they miss the times they spent with their children.
My little brother was my mom's favorite even though she denied it we knew better lol. He had moved out of state a after our father died, and my brother got married. Mom and me visited him a couple times in va before his daughter was conceived. His beautiful baby girl was born just 8 months before mom died. My brother and his wife brought their baby to see my mom as much as they could when she was dying. From the very first time my mom saw her grand daughter, my brother brought her in in the car carries and sat her on mom's hospital bed ( she was in the hospital at the time ). He did that every time when he brought her to see mom. My niece was 6 months old before anyone ever took her off mom's bed during the visit. I walked across the room one day and took her out of the carrier and stepped about 4 ft to the sofa. It was cute, she kept looking back at mom as if to say I do not belong here I belong over there, so I did not hold her long before I put her back on mom's bed. Mom was living for that little angle. The doctor had given her 2 months to live and she lived 5. The power of love is a true force to be reckoned with, please remember this today. Show your mom some love and attention while you can, because none of us are gerented a tomorrow, and would you not rather have a good memory of your mom then a bad regret of something you could have done and did not? Ok I will shut up now and let you all get back to enjoying you mother's day and if you still have one your mother's love.


I do not know what is more annoying when a company sells a defective product, or when they make you jump through hoops to prove you actually bought it, AND THEN NEVER ANSWERS THE DANG EMAIL YOU SENT PROVING IT.
I contacted hp about one of their wireless keyboard and mouse sets I bought. First they tell me that the store i bought it at never updated the warranty ( what ever that means), but they tell me if I find the receipt and send them a copy of it via email within 24 hours they would see what they could do about replacing it. SOUNDS GOOD DOES IT NOT? I found the receipt and emailed it to them in less then 2 hours so I still had 22 hours left on the 24 they gave me to reply. Well it is 3 days later now and I have not heard anything back from them at all. They did not even do like some companies do and send me an automated email telling me they got the one with the sails receipt and the other info they wanted. All I got is stone cold silence and when I sent them a second email asking if they got the first one , NO ANSWER TO THAT EITHER.
I currently have a hp tower, but I will have to think twice before buying hp again.
When I got no reply at all from hp I bought a logi keyboard mouse set and it is working fine.
What annoys me is even if hp did not plan to stand behind their product they should have at least sent me an email saying so.


You will find a link on my wall that a friend sent me last night. As someone who has written a couple books that I have not even tried to publish yet. The reason I have not tried to have them published is not because I am worried they will be turned down. It is because I have seen way too many stories and books changed from the author original intended. I think it is not just a shame , but it should also be a crime to change any character in any written story to another sex,color,nationality,or alien species. These stories were written the way they were, because the person writing the story wanted them to be as they are. Had they wished the male white lead in a story to be a female African American, they would have written it as such at the time of the works conception.
I will admit there are the occasional change that may work, as I have seen one such change that if I had not seen the original as it was written, I would have thought it was a good movie. The thing is so very often changes in characters are made not because it is necessary to the story. They are made to try to please some social, or ethnic faction that instead of writhing their own stories with any characters they please. They would rather take something that was written well years ago and gut it into something to pacify the people whining about the main character being male, or white or both. As the link I put on my wall says these actions DO NOT add anything to the franchise, it only destroys the original creates work.
I am about to make an analogy that I am sure many will not like, but it is still valid. When you take another artists work (it does not matter if it is written or made into a film, and change it) , it is as if you are saying their work does not matter. HERE IS THE PART PEOPLE ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE: If it were in your power, would any of you look at the world and say wow God made a mistake casting Adam as the lead in his story of creation. Lets make Eve the lead? I know you are going to say we are not talking about God here, but in a way the writer of a story that has never been told before ESPECIALLY IF IT IS SCIENCE FICTION is the creator of the world written inside his book, or play, or movie, so the comparison is valid on that level.
I just wonder how many of these people that think it is a good idea to change the sex, sexual orientation, or color of an established character would like it if they wrote something and someone came along and flipped EVERYTHING in it backward from the way they wanted it to be. Why is it so hard for this modern entertainment world to understand the old stuff should remain the same and new things with new stories NOT RELATED TO THE OLD STUFF with new characters should be written from scratch. You want a strong woman lead GREAT go write a story for her, DO NOT STEAL someone else's character and twist it into something the fans do not want to see anymore.
I do not see any point in ruining another writers composition. Could it be these people doing this know they are not as creative as the writers of days gone by? Could it be this modern video game world has caused would be writers to lose their creativity? Is that why some would rather try to change a character that has done well for decades into someone no one cares about anymore? Kind of a jealousy thing. Well I have probably said more then anyone wants to hear now. Just watch the link on my wall.? The guy that did that had it right.


I do not understand why people lie. The truth always comes out sooner or later. I was on skype with some friends today and I heard one of them straight up lie on me to someone else in his house. Most people when they lie on you will go to great lengths to make sure you do not hear them lie on you. I do not know if he thought because they were away from the mic I would not hear it. Like I tell everyone: DON'T LIE TO ME , AND DON'T LIE ON ME AND WE GOT NO PROBLEMS, but if you lie on to or on me we got a BIG PROBLEM.
What makes it worse is I was trying to help him with something he had asked me to help with, and he said I offered. BIG LIE! I would not have even know he wanted help with it had he not rung me on skype to ask for help. After I told him what would happen if he ever lied on me again, apparently he let the other person know he had lied on me. BUT THAT DOES NOT ERASE THE LIE. Why lie what is the point the truth is bound to be reveled in the end, and a lie could just end a friendship.


I saw a story on yahoo today that makes me wonder if things are finally changing. It was well written and really the way I like to see news reported, although I can not help but wonder are things finally changing for the better, of was this handled this way solely because of the people it was about? It was about a murder suicide where it reported that EX-NFL player Phillip Adams killed 5, then himself. Dr. Robert Lesslie, 70, and his wife, Barbara Lesslie, 69, and two grandchildren Adah Lesslie, 9, and Noah Lesslie, 5, were pronounced dead.
This is a honorably. It is possible that Adams may have had a reason behind killing the doctor and or his wife. I just found it really interesting Adams is African American, and the doctor and his family were not. So I just wonder if the colors had been reversed, and the killer was white and the family killed were not if the headline would have been something like EX-NFL player kills black doctor and his family?
I reallllllllllllllllllllllly hope the way this articular was actually written is a sign of things in journalism changing for the better and not just another example of the media sugar coating things put of fear of being accused of being predigest. Lets hope it is the media starting to wake up to the fact that the only time someone's color really matters in a news articular is IF there is a man hunt going on. At that time and only that time color would play a factor, because if you say you are looking for a specific race or color in connection with a crime, you can eliminate everyone who does not have the same race or color. Other then that color should not matter, so even thought it told of a tragic event it was done well and for once fairly. I hope it was not just a one time thing.