
Afiliado: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     I may be showing my age, but do you all remember and old expression " I got it from the horses mouth " ?   For those of you who do not know what it means. It means you got the info from the source of the info.   I have always lived by that.    I do not believe tossup of this he said she said stuff without asking the actual person who would know the truth, usually the one it is about.   Eben if i have proof of what someone has told me about someone else I always give the person it is about a chance to tell me their side of it, because there are always 2 sides to everything.   The person may in fact did exactly what you were told they did, but had a good reason for doing it that only they saw.   An example would be 2 room mates and one has brought home a piece of cake from a wedding, but without even asking if they could the other one threw it away.   The social media the next day would be the cake owner posting about their inconsiderate room mate throwing away their cake, without even asking why the roommate did it.   Upon closer investigation one may find out the room mate threw the cake away because it was infested with ants, and the cake owner had not noticed it yet.  The room mate did in fact throw away something that did not belong to they, but they had a good reason for doing it.  
     I have this friend of many years and sometimes she will play along with someone talking dirt on one of her friend so she can find out more of what is being said by that person.   She was quite surprised one time when she had a hider id that I had no clue was her and after a fight she brought it around me talking dirt on herself on the other id.   She expected me to join in and trash my friend too, but I did not.   I stood up to her to try to protect my friend, even though we were fighting she was still my friend, and no one was gonna come at her without me stepping up for my friend.   She was shocked.   It was at that point she knew she could treat me and I was a good friend, so she told me it was her on the other id, and I laughed.   I was just being myself, and she was amassed  she had never had a friend like me before.  
     Even though I post a .lot on social media myself, I really hate what it has done to people's relationships with each other.  What ever happened to the days when a mans word was his bond?   Used to be there was no higher praise someone could say then you are an honest person and they trust you .   Now a days people are all like  it is just the net or I do not have to tell them the truth when  a lie will get me what I want faster.   Give me a man who stills something from me and admits it when I ask them why over someone who steels nothing but everything that comes out of their mouth is a lie.
     I prize honesty, honor , and responsibility above all else.   I have found a place on line where I can find that in most of the people that play there.   Those of you who know me really know me know exactly where I am talking about.   Most of them are on line friends,but 98% of this group I am proud to call my friends in any form, because I know they will be honest, even if they are telling me something i would rather not here.   It will be true.  lol Notice I did not say 100%, because in today's world nothing is 100% anymore, but we can hunt for the highest percentage of quality in our friends ones that if something comes from their mouth it will be true, and reliable.    
     Ok I have rambled on long enough today.   I need to get ready for some health tests.   Wish me luck cause I am kind of scared of what they may find.