
registriert seit: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     I will be glad when this virus is under control and people can once again show their faces in public.   I went out to a store for the first time sense this started last night, and I noticed many people were having as much trouble with these masks as I am. I understand they are for everyone's good, and we must do this for the protection of everyone.  What I really hate is with the masks on you can not see if someone is smiling at you in a friendly way, because they are glad to see you.  Or if they are frowning and really do not want you around.  I had not thought about this much till yesterday.  I took a short walk WITH MY MASK ON and as I passed a neighbor who was also wearing a mask I smiled at them. It was then that I realized they could not see I was smiling at them, because the mask blocked the smile.   I got to thinking maybe I should make a mask with a smile painted on the front of it.  I did not realize till last night now much I rely on peoples facial expressions to tell me how they feel.   Too bad we can not breath through plastic.  If the masks were made of clear plastic we would be able to see if someone was smiling, but I know that would be impossible . The masks would kill people faster then the virus lol. 
     I have way too much time on my hands to think of silly things.  Thing is when you live alone you have much time to just think if you can not get out and see other people.   I was in the hospital the other day and even my doctor who shakes my hand every time I see him restrained himself from doing so. I really believe people need human touch sometimes. If you have a family living with you, you still have that touch, but if you live alone it really is isolation.
     I hope the scientists come up with a good way to manage this virus soon, but I am a realist and doubt anything will be truly control able for at least a year, and by then it will have mutated again.   Too bad they can not find the factors that are common in all strains of the virus, and target those elements. That way if it mutates theoretically any vaccine they came up with would work n all strands of it.


     Some of you may remember a blog I did some months back about a friend of mine, and the fact she does not answer her phone.   Last time I spoke to her her water had broken and she was on her way to the hospital,   It has been over a month sense that call, and it was back to her not answering her phone again.  Now today out of nowhere I got a blue envelope in the mail, with no return address.   Inside this envelope were 3 cards from my friend.  Two of the cards were late birthday cards.   The one was covered in glitter and it had some of the most beautiful words in it.  My friend had written to tell me that she wanted to thank me for something I did not know I did << her words.   She went on to tell me that she had had her little girl and she was beautiful and healthy, and it was because of what I said to her before she knew she was pregnant.   Her doctor wanted to set her up with a DNC .   I told her that sense she had been being throwing up that before she had a dnc ( which would have scrapped everything from her uterus. )  I asked her if she was pregnant and she said she should not be because she had been treated for cancer.   I told her well you should check that out before the dnc.   I told her if she did happen to be pregnant she would want to hold off the dnc.  I know her, I told her if she did not check it out and she was pregnant she wouldn't be able to live with herself, if she had the dnc and then found out she was pregnant and had killed her child.
    Sure enough she was pregnant.   The medical people wanted her to have the dnc and not risk having the child at all,   She remembered me telling her she would regret it . She told the doctor she was going to have the baby.   She sent me a picture of the baby she is beautiful. She calls her, her miracle  child.


   I have talked about honesty and trust before, and I need to talk about it again.   Not very long ago someone I have know for years told me somethings, and I believed him.  Now just today I found he and some of his buddies had all lied to me about a subject close to my heart.   It hurts when you trust someone is telling you the truth and less then a week later you find out it was all lies.   I don't  know what is worse having someone you trusted lie to you or having them blame it on others when you ask them why they did it.  
     Just imagine how much better this world would be if people were all honest and you could really trust someone's word.   I do not know, maybe I should stop trusting everyone or not, but that is not my style.   I will probably keep trusting people and getting hurt when they do not live up to it.  I wish people came with neon signs that would pop out of their heads when they were telling a lie, so everyone knew it.


   When you can not go anywhere you find you have a lot of time to think.   Sometimes they are helpful thoughts sometimes they are just things running round in your head cause you are bored.   Like this morning, I had a thought I wondered what those that settled in this country would think about what is going on now.   They left their homes in wooden ships that were at the mercy of the winds.  Once they set out in open oceans they were trapped on these ships for months at a time till they either got to land or died on the trip.   There was no social isolating back then, because there was no way to get away from the others on the trip with you.  
     I just wonder what they would think of today's people,with their selfish and entitled attitudes.  Back then people worked together and took care of each other.   They had to, because they needed each other.   Now a days everyone is so sucked into their devices, even when they are together in a room , many are not really there mentally.
     I do not know what is more annoying those that hoard supplies like it is the end of the world or the news media that is deliberately scaring people more then they need to to get higher ratings .n1.gif?v=122  The one thing I do know is people need to calm down a little and look at all the FACTS not the drama on the media.   Many people get this virus, but only a small present are  actually dying from it when the number of people that get it is compared to the number that die form it.
   Back to my first thought. The original settlers did not stop living , because they thought if they went out they would die.   They quarantined those that needed it and the rest of the community kept going.
     Bottom line is this country has dealt with other outbreaks of contagious diseases in the past and we are still here.  I have no doubt we will still be here when this thing is gone.   I am also sure sometime in the future there will be another outbreak of some other disease, and I just hope this one helps the government see it would be a good idea to have a plan for the next time , before we need it.  Ok I will shut up now I just needed to get that out of my head. 


      I just saw this on posted :White supremacists discussed plans to weaponize coronavirus.  How stupid can you get? viruses do not see color or race.   Apparently they plan to use it in spray bottles.  Are they so stupid they do not realize once it is in the air it could infest anyone coming in contact with it EVEN THEMSELVES or their loved ones.   People need to stop trying to hurt each other and put their efforts into helping those that need it. 
     Fact is even in the best of times our days are limited so why waist your short time on this planet hating someone for something they can not change.   I do not know what drives someone to even think of an idea like that.  When you take a look at the odds of any one person even being born, one can not help but think you are here because God wanted you here so why would you here.  I know some of you will say why did he want those that hate others because of the color?  But we have free choice and I chose to believe people like that are not following the path that was planed for them at their conception, but that will be for a higher power to sort out later.   I just wish people would stop hating and being stupid about people that are different from themselves.