
registriert seit: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Did any of you see the preformed in front of a live audience Facts of Life and Different Strokes on Tuesday night? They must have worn their laugh track out on this stupidity. Either that or the audience was laughing at how stupid this was. I watched a while back when they did All In a Family and the Jeffersons, and it was not terrible, but this was tonight. I used to watch Facts of Life and The jeffersons all the time when it first aired with the original actors, and I loved it back then. I do not have any idea what they were thinking casting adults in roles that were originally played by teens and preteens. I did not make it even half way through their version of Different Strokes. The casting was the worst I ever saw ! Mr Druman adopts 2 GROWN MEN in this version tonight. It was totally unrealistic and incongruous. If they had cast actors of the correct age ranges for the parts maybe JUST MAYBE they would have had something worth watching.
I mean really are some of the adult actors having enough trouble finding parts that they would actually think they could pull off playing children? If you are going to do something, One should try to do it correctly. I have spoken out before about the wrong types being cast for roles, roles that were written for a totally different type of person. This is far worse. To cast grown adults in the roles written for children make me want to gag. I know there are many talented children that could have played the roles well ( UNLESS DISNEY ALREADY HIRED ALL THE GOOD ONES LOL) The ironic thing is I was looking forward to tonight's show when they first announced it. I ended up turning the station before it was over. So did any of you see this event? And was it just me or was it really as stupid as I thought?


This time of year I do way more thinking about the past then I should. I think about family members I have lost over the years, and people I thought were friends just disappearing from my life without any reason. This year with that covid ramping up for another run, my mind keeps drifting back to someone I have not seen in over 2 years. Staying away this long is not at all like him, and I can not help but wonder if the covid got him or if he finally found a better life outside the net. Thing is something he said to me not long before he disappeared also has me wondering if something else may be keeping him away. I will not go into what I think it could be, but I just wish I knew. It is easier to eventually put yourself back together and go on with your life if you know for a fact your friend has died. It is far harder not knowing for sure why he is not longer around.
Some of you know I am an empathy, and I ran into someone else with psychic abilities that told me this friend was still alive AT THAT TIME, and that he would find a way to let me know he was ok, but that was over a year ago. That bodes the question did this other psychic just tell me that because I was worried about my friend and he sought to calm me down, or if he really saw something. He never did say when my friend would get in touch with me. That is the problem with psychic powers , they are not predictable. The universe gives you little flashes of things to come, and it is up to you to figure out what they mean. The interesting things about the psychic I spoke to that night are psychic predictions were not his real job and he charged me nothing for what he told me. That night he mentioned 3 names to me without any prompting from me. The fact that he only mentioned 3 names and I knew people with all those names was kinda convincing. I have seen fake psychics work before this was not like that. Fake psychics usually get their info from other sourced and pretend they got it psychically. This was not like that. Two of the names he came up with were not common names and the one I had not even thought about in years as most people knew him by his nickname and it was his real name that was picked up on. I was asked if I knew a person by that name at first I said no as like i said he usually uses a nickname. What the guy told me was he wanted to know if this other guy was ill. I was home before I remembered that was my niece's husbands real name, so I called her and asked if he was feeling well. Turns out he was scheduled for some health test the very next week. WEIRD HUH????
Sorry I digress. The point is which is harder? If someone you love dies or if they just disappear from your life without even a good bye? I sometimes wish my brain was like a computer just delete the bad memories or things I do not want to keep thinking about from the past to make room for new better memories.

I do not get it

I saw on the news where another child was shot by a sibling. That was 2 that week. I really do not get it. First why do these parents keep leaving loaded guns where kids can get at them. and second do the parents not teach their children to leave the guns alone? My dad had a hand gun. and he kept it in his unlocked dresser drawer. We knew from the time we were big enough to craw not to touch it. My dad always said never point a gun at anyone unless you plan to use it. I do not know if it was out of respect for my dad of if I was worried about what he may do if I disobeyed him, BUT I never touched that gun. I did pull the drawer open and look at it a couple times. He had never said do not look at it he said do not touch and i never touched it. I have no clue if it were loaded or not. I really think parents (especially ones with guns) should teach their children to respect human live, and that guns are not a toy.
I think part of the problem is the parents do not spend enough time with the kids to make sure they respect what a gun can really do, and the other part is caused by violent video games. The graphics on these games no are really good, and everyone usually gets more then one life in these games,so some kids have a prob telling real life from games. Some may think if someone gets shot in real life they will regenerate into a new life.
I think parents need to crack down on their kids and make them understand respect and to listen to what they are told. Many parents say they do not correct their kids cause they do not want the law on them, but I only remember my dad ever spanking me 1 time in my life, and that was for something I had been told my whole life not to do. If you do something you have always been told was not allowed you are asking for repercussions. You do not need to spank a child to get them to obey what you tell them. My dad was doing time outs before time outs were even a thing, but for the modern parents to get their kids to listen to them, they would have to actually spend time with them. I do not blame it all on the parents. Fact of the matter is this has been set in motion generations ago when parents started seeing their life,and wants as more important then their children. In trying to give their children everything they wanted and did not get today's parents are creating little monsters who respect no one or nothing not even their own parents. Lot of them want to be their kids friend's. wake up parents that is not your job. There will be plenty of time to be their friends when they grow up int the fine adults you would like them to be. Now you need to be the parents and show them the way to be good grown ups.


My whole life I have had a gift of seeing what is going to happen long before it does, my mom called it what if thinking. It is not what if thinking, when what you thought would happen really happened. When my big brother got married I was really upset. I told my mother I did not want him to get married, because when the kids start getting married the family starts drifting apart. I was 8 at the time, but I had noticed how my parents and their brothers and sisters rarely saw each other. The only time they all got together was at funerals. I did not want that to happen to our family, but you can not stop the future from coming no matter how much you would wish it to be so.
I was right! The next year my sister got married and the following year my oldest sister got married also. The family did drift apart some, but because my oldest sister had no children of their own she and her husband would take my little brother and I to do things they would have done with their children if they had any. That only lasted till we got in our upper teens. I guess we lost our cute then. We still managed to get the whole family together on Christmas eve when my parents were still alive. Dad died several years before mom, and the first year after mom's death we did not have a gathering. No one was in the mood. The next year my niece said she wanted to have us all get together for Christmas like we did before mom died. She was like 16, so with much planning I made it happen. I bought all the food for the event, I moved furnature out of my living room, as I had moved to a smaller house. I borrowed a bank-wit table, and folding chairs to make a big enough place for half of us to eat at one time, that is the way we always did it. The guys and the little kids would eat first sitting, then we would get them out of the way and the women and the older children would eat second seating. We never did have enough room to put everyone down to eat at the same time. It did not go well and I got really hurt and angry with most of my recitatives for disrespecting me in my own home after I went way out of my way to make it possible for us all to get together. After that I refused to have the gathering at my house again. They would not have dissed my other sisters or sister in laws like they did me that day. So after that some of the other relatives had it at their houses. When my sister put on her new garage add on at her house it was made really nice and could double as a party room, so we had it there several times as well as at my brothers homes a couple times each and at my 3 nieces a few times , BUT WHEN THIS PANDEMIC HIT IT MESSED US UP LAST YEAR. We did not have a gathering last year. It was ok for my other realities they all have at least one other family member living with them, so they were not all alone. I had hoped this year we could have the gathering again, but it does not look like it is gonna happen. I spoke to my sister the other day after my nephews wife asked about it and my sister does not think it will happen because the covid is building up again. I am seeing the beginning of the end of our family Christmases coming in the not too distant future. The more years we do not have the gathering the easier it will be for some to just let it go all together in the future. I can see that they will stop having it all together in the not real distant future. They will blame it on all the work and that we are getting older, but the year before the covid started i pitched the idea of us all going together and having the meal catered, that way less work for the hoster and less clean up after. I do not know if they will go for it or if they will just dump the gathering all together or not , but I am seeing an end to the way it has been since 1969. The day it ends I will have a good cry. I hate being alone on Christmas as it is . No one comes Christmas day anymore my sister used to come on Christmas day, but not anymore . Christmas day it is just me all alone in my little house, lonely and trying to remember happier times, because that is all I have left with both my parents, my big brother, his wife , their youngest son, and my favorite cousin all gone, and the brother and sisters I still have left are far too rapped up in their own family units to even think about me.
In fairness I have spent a few holidays with my oldest nephew and his family, but even that may not look the same this year. His oldest son moved to Denver, his youngest son moved several miles away from his parents, and their daughter just moved about 15 miles from her parents, so they may not all make it home for Christmas this year.
Wish I could just go back in time to when I was younger then 10. We did not have much for Christmas, but what I did have was my whole family there. My dad was like a big kid on Christmas, If my little brother and I were not awake by 6 am he would say Janie, Roy, Santa Clause has been here and we would fly our of out beds and run down stairs to see what we got. When my dad would wake us we could hear my mom scream at dad, FRANCIS LET THEM SLEEP! Dad would just smile and follow me and my brother down stairs. I do not know how mom thought we could sleep through her yelling at dad lol. I did not realize it at the time mom probably had not been in bed long, she was probably wrapping presents all night. We did not get many presents each BUT with 5 kids it takes a while to get them all done. Yea I can see the beginning of the end of family gatherings and it is sad.


Have you ever been walking and found something someone else lost? It happens to me a lot. Just this morning I took a walk up the street and back to the house as I often do. I saw something shining on the road and picked it up. It was a key ring with no keys on it. The glass on the front had been broken, most likely from being ran over by a car. It had writing under the glass. It started out ( To my husband Never forget. I love you) . As I looked at it I began to wonder about how it got there and why there were no keys attached. Had the wife lost it on her way home, before her husband ever saw it? Or had he owned it and used it , but one day they had a fight and, maybe his wife threw him out and took back the key. With the house keys gone he may have thrown it away in frustration and anger at love lost. Could even be one or the happy couple's children got hole of the key ring before the husband had added any keys, and they lost it while playing with it.
I do not know maybe I am just weird to think about things like I do. When I pass an old rundown building I look at it and wonder what it was like the day it was built and all brand new. I think about the people who paid to have it built, and what they planned to use it for. Sometimes it is a business building that closed, other times it is a house. Sometimes it is the shell of what was once a beautiful home. I myself have thought about how nice it would be to have a home that was built to my designs. When people build homes or businesses they do not see the dark future day when their beloved building will stand empty and alone falling apart, over looked , no longer the show place it once was. I wonder about how much longer it will stand there falling down until the Earth reclaims it. I then think of how on some distant date someone else's dream building will stand in the same spot, making a new generation happy.
Ok you can call me weird if you want to, others have, but it is just me being me . smiles