
registriert seit: 24.07.2019
Everything in this life has beauty but not everybody can see it :)
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We have all done this

Sees my car. Walks up to my car. Opens the door to my car. Tries to get in my car. Freaks out because a stranger is sitting in my car. Turns out, it isn’t my car. Cool, cool.
C"mon tell me you haven't done this at least once or twice or heck a few times cuz I have.,.,, I seriously need to stick somethin on my jeep so I know for sure it's mine in the mall parking lot,,cuz if I been in there more than an hour,,, I'm gonna forget where the heck I parked cuz I really hate shopping at the mall or anywhere,, and women are supposed to love shopping,, just who made that rule :P cuz it 4 sure don't apply to me,,,My rulews like Walmarts Get in get your stuff and get the hell outta dodge ;)