
připojena: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Have you ever been struck with the uncontrollable need to blog?   This morning is one of those mornings when I have been hit with the uncontrollable need to blog.   I had a really bad day yesterday that I will not bore you with, followed by way too much chocolate last night, and woke up later then I planned to this morning.    As a result instead of jumping into what I had planned to do today like a normal person would do I am sitting here writing this blog because I feel the uncontrollable need to blog.
     I was in an emotional turmoil last night because of events beyond my control.   That is why I ate the chocolate.   It was a bad depression, but it did what I wanted it to at the time.   It pushed my sugar level up high enough I actually got some sleep.   Unfortunately for me I slept longer then planned.
     Have you ever been hurt by the actions of friends that really had nothing to do with you directly , but you were the one that had to deal with the fall out from it?   Let me give you an example:   When my nieces were in their teens they got in a fight.   I never knew what the fight was about.   They fought a lot.   After the fight they arrived at my other nieces birthday party.   I asked them to pose together so I could take a picture of them together.   I take many pictures, and I had not seen them in a while so yea I needed a new one.   My younger niece flatly refused to pose with her sister for me.   I was very hurt.  She said she was not posing with her cause she was mad at her.  OK she was mad at her sister, but I was the one being hurt.   I wanted the picture.      Her sister did not care one way or the other she would have posed for me.   This goes to show when you act in anger you realllllllllllly should take a look at what you plan to do first and see who will be the ones that are really hurt by your actions.   Will it be the ones you intended to hurt or will it be others who you claim to still love?
     Anger is a strange thing.   I believe it comes from the part of your brain that wants what it wants when it wants it and it does not care about what anyone else wants.   Never mind if you hurt those you love or crush someone else's dreams as long as you get back at the person that made you mad.     I understand that feeling too well.   The difference between me and many is when I hurt someone I did not mean to I feel bad about it and work to fix it.
     One night I blew apart a friend of mine's net world in a fit of anger and then spent the next 2 hours undoing what I had done in one action.   One should always stand accountable for their actions, and I do. 
     Have you ever noticed how people get defensive if you try to point out to them what they are doing is not a good idea?   I really think it is deep somewhere inside the human species to think they are always right EVEN if they do not want to admit that to themselves lol.   You think I am kidding you?  Try this start a sentence to a friend with the words WHY DID YOU DO ... then finish the sentence with something they actually did.   Watch how quickly they get defensive even if it is something silly like Why did you come 15 min early.
     Ok I think I have blogged out most of the need to blog I had this morning, so I will come back again some time soon.


     I am the first to admit I do not understand most sports, but what I understand even less in today's times is the attitude of the Pittsburgh Steelers during the playing of the national anthem.   If you got a beef with something the president said, find a way to let him know without disrespecting the very country you are making a living from and those that fought and lost their lives so you could run around on your football field making bib bux in all kinds of bad weather.  It is like I told my niece one time when she was mad at her sister and would not pose with her for a photo I wanted of them.   She was not hurting her sister she was hurting me and the Steelers may have been trying to send a message to the president, but what they really did was send a message to the whole country that they do not respect the USA the very country from which they make their living.   They also sent a message to all those that fought and died for this country to give them the freedom to show their disrespect that they did not appreciate their sacrifices.  
     I would like to commend the one player who did the right thing and showed his respect for his country and those that died to make this country great.   I saw one report that said this patriotic player threw the others under a bus by standing and showing his respect.     I think people better wake up and see what is really going on.   HE DID NOT THROW THEM UNDER A BUS. IF THEY WERE HIT BY A BUS IT IS BECAUSE THEY DOVE UNDER IT THEMSELVES.  He had just as much right to show his respect as they did to not show theirs.  
     Personally I think if this is the attitude of the Steelers (that this country is not worth standing up for) maybe the fans should show them that they are not worth our money by no longer buying their merchandise  or their game tickets.    I mean really if they can disrespect this country during the STAR SPANGLED BANNER by not standing for it, why shouldn't we not disrespect them by not buying their merchandise.   I am seriously thinking of sending back the 3 Steelers related Christmas presents I bought for Steeler fans on my list.   I bought them before the Steelers staged their little protest.   The only thing that is keeping me from returning them is if I did that I would be just as bad as they were.   I bought them for fans before the Steelers disrespected the national anthem. and if I returned them I would be hurting the people I bought them for, because the Steelers do not know I bought them or care.   All they care about is themselves.    I hate anyone so disrespectful comes from my state.   Pennsylvania was the birthplace of this country.   I guess that is why i am so mad about them doing what they did.
    I also saw what the president said that prompted this little protest and that is his opinion.   He is entitled to his opinion just like any other US citizen.   Just because he is now the president does not mean he gave up his right to have an opinion.  I really think this protest was a serious over reaction to someone saying something that annoyed them.    The best way to handle people with opinions that differ from yours is not to go have a major protest.   The best way is to either ignore them or when it is time vote them out if they are in office. 
     Seriously did the Steelers really think because they did this that all the fans would too?   Fat chance of that.   Many of the Steeler fans either are in the service or have had family members that are or were in the service.   This country needs to stand together more now then ever.   Are you getting the connection yet???   STAND TOGETHER   STAND FOR THE ANTHEM.   You did not think this tradition just came from no where did you ?   Nearly everything our founding fathers did had a reason and a meaning to it.   By them not standing for the anthem it gave the impression they would not stand up for this country and defend it if needed.   We all need to remember one thing UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL!  That statement is just as true now as it was when it was first said.


     It is funny is it now how ones life changes quickly.   For about the past year and a half I was sadder then I have ever been.   My brother, favorite cousin, and sister in law all died withing 3 months of each other in 2016.   I was having so much pain in my hands and solder I could not sleep some nights, my sugar readings were high ,and I was sinking into a pool of depression.   It was a lousy year.   Than it all started to change.   My hands do not hurt as much, and my shoulder is hurting less.  The depression has lifted.   I have been painting more.  I have been more active, and in the past month I have been happier then i have been in about a year and a half.   There is so much less drama in my life, and all seems well with my friends that have always stuck by me.   My pool score is higher then it has been in months. I am spending more time with my niece.   We had an inspection here today and I passed.   I am loving all this new happiness I have been having lately.   I just hope it keeps up .   And I hope you all find yourself as much happiness as I have these past few weeks.


   I was talking to my niece the other day and I was saying how well children or anyone for that matter handle things when they are prepared for them.   When someone knows something is going to happen and what to do when it does they do not get upset  and run around all upset and panicky.   If they already know what to do in an unexpected event all they must do is rely on their knowledge.   Those of you that know me know I have something called panic attack disorder.   It will flair up suddenly and without warning.   It took me years to even get slight control of it.   One day I was out walking with another niece when she was about 5 years old.   An attack hit suddenly when we were about 2 blocks from my home.   I scooped my niece up into my arms and began running as fast as I could for home.   I knew when we got here my neighbor would keep and eye on my niece till I was myself again.   These attacks rarely last more then a half hr. and when they are over I am myself again.  
     After I got control of myself again I sat my niece down and explained to her what had happened.   I told her I was not going to die or pass out, and I would be ok after it passed.   I told her she should not be afraid it would pass.   From that point on any time we went out walking the first thing I would do at the beginning of the walk was tell her what to do if I had another one.   After about 6 times telling her this every time we would go on a walk , she got to where she would say YES I know what to do and then she would tell me what she was to do if it happened.  
   About a year later it happened.   My niece, a neighbors girl, and I were setting on a grassy area about a half a block from my house when an attack hit.   I got my nieces attention and told her what was going on.   At first I could see her getting frightened .   I said remember what you are supposed to do?   Just as quick as her fear had came it was gone and calm and control took over her face.   She said to the other little girl come on we got to take her home.   My little 6 year old niece was taking control not only of me her adult aunt who was having a health issue but she was also watching over her friend who was about 2 years older then her.   I have never been so proud of my niece as i was that day.  
     This story proves if someone no matter how young is prepared for something bad that may happen they can deal with nearly anything.   I try to always prepare those closest to me for things  that may happen when we do not want them too.
     Have you all seen that public service commercial on the Disney channel.   It stresses being prepared, and it is true one should always have a plan and be prepared for bad things that could happen.   Then do what you planned when needed.

September Baby Boomers

     Have you ever noticed how many birthdays are in September?   In my own family there were 5 people born in Sept.   So far this month there have been 7 birthdays among my friends and another 5 that I am sure of yet to come.   I think I may have an answer to why so many people were born in Sept.   If you do the math they were conceived in or near Dec.   When the snow is on the ground people are looking for fun things to do inside. It is cheep, fun, and you do not even need to leave your home to enjoy it.   As a result of all the snuggling in Dec. we get a bumper crop of babies in Sept.   That is just my opinion.   The bad thing about all these birthdays such a short time before Christmas can really put a dent in ones finances.   So what I did this year was bought several of the birthday presents way early in months that did not have as many birthdays so I had a little extra money to spend then.   Sept 18 alone there are 3 birthdays, my sisters, and 2 of my friends.  
     I am thinking kids with Sept birthdays have got to have mixed emotions.   They are happy because their birthday is coming, and they are bummed out because school is starting back up and summer is ending.   Speaking of summer ending, we did not have many warm days this summer so our summer and fall kinda just melted into one.

     I want to take a minute on a totally unrelated subject to ask everyone to say a prayer for all those hit by the hurricanes down south.   I could not imagine what I would do if someone told me it was mandatory I evacuate my home, because a storm may destroy it.  What do you take with you ?   Where do you go? What will you find when you can finally return to your home?   I am so grateful   I live in an area that does not get that kind of weather.   I think we should all give thanks for what we have because it could all be gone in a flash, and not forget those who are facing this problem now.    
     You all remember when the president made the remark about the wall he wanted to build?  If he wants to build something perhaps a storm wall along the shores that keep getting hit by these storms would me more useful, just a thought.