
připojena: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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   You may remember I mentioned a friend I could not get in touch with.  She called me today. Apparently not only had she been in and out of the hospital several times in the past few months, but she is going to have a baby at the end of the month.   Funny thing is I told her months ago she may be pregnant. lol    She said she was mad at me for wishing it on her lol it is another girl and she already has 3 girls.   I told her I did not plant that seed. lol   I am glad she is ok, and her mom is still in the home but she is as ok as she can be all things considered.   If all goes well she is supposed to drop my money she borrowed off later today, but knowing her like I do I am not holding my breath lol.   I am just glad she is alive and okish.


       I will never stop being amazed by the amount of drama there is on the net.   I spent over an hr last night talking to 2 people one thinks they are friends, the other says she hates him, but she does not act like she hates him.   She acts lick she is jealous that I have been talking to the guy.   The funny part of this is there is nothing of which to be jealous.  I just met the guy abut a month ago, and we play little pool.  That is all.  So I told them both they need to work out what ever their issues are and leave me out of it, and if they do not want to do that they should put each other on ignore.
     I think part of the problem with net drama is some people are like it is just the net and they seem to think there is no real person on the other side of the net.  While others see it the same as they do the real world. Their net friends are the same to them as their real life friends.   I had a friend who told my niece one time that I live on line.   Thing is at that time he was not far wrong.  I have a couple health issues and at that time I did not get out of my home often, so the net was my way of interacting with other people.  I am doing better now and so I do not spend as much time on line as i once did.   I think everyone should get out into the real world a little every day, even if it is just to walk around the block or sit on their porch and talk to neighbors that pass by the house.   Computers are nice and all, but they are no substitute for interactions with real people.
     Maybe if more people associated with more real people in their real world there would be less net drama, because they would not have time for it. n0.gif?v=122   Just a thought.  


     Did you ever have one of those days when you feel like it does not matter what you do it will be wrong?    I have had one of those.   Started yesterday morning when I was woke up by the sound of my phone trying to ring.   I say trying to ring , because it had been half out of order for 2 days.   It was the phone company telling me they would finally be working on the line.   I also had to get some blood work done at 11 am, and I messed that up.  I had blood work from 2 different doctors one was non fasting and the other was fasting. I did not know I was to fast for the one and got them both at the same time.  I will need to call the doctor today and see if he wants me to get the fasting ones done over. My computer that I have had less then a month is being stupid.  It acts like I have a software conflict somewhere.  If I have the new external drive I got for Christmas plugged in it will not let me delete anything from the desk top recycling bin and even the company does not know why.   Their best advice is to reformat it. Which means I will lose the data I have on it, and need to recompile it.
     Then I was talking to some people tonight and upset one of them without even trying.   All I can do is hope tomorrow is gonna be better.


     With just a very few hours left in this last year of the decade I would like to take a minute to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR.   I would also like to thank God for all the good things he bestowed on me this past year, and if it does not sound greedy I would like to hope for another good year in the upcoming one.   May everyone have a happy and safe new year.   If you all decide to have a few drinks to toast the birth of the new decade, Please remember not to drink and drive.  Having a good time as a New Years party will do you not good at all IF you get in a wreck on the way home and do not live to see the wonders of the new year unfold over time.


     I was chatting with a lady who visits our neighborhood fairly regularly the other day.   She had cut her ankle on a rusty nail and was thinking she may have to go have it looked at as it was swelling a bit, but it is what she told me next that was sadder.   She told me a few days before her basement had caught on fire when her furnace malfunctioned.   Apparently all the fuel for it had spilled out on the floor and caught fire.   She said they had just gotten a fuel delivery a couple days before, and they lost all their fuel in the fire.   The house would probably have been a goner, but she said the water pipes that ran in the basement were plastic and they melted at the heat.  She said the water poring out of them managed to hold the fire at bay till the firemen were able to get there and put it out.  According to her most of the damage was confined to the basement, but the furnace is unusable.  I said to her what are you going to do if it gets cold?  Our weather has been all over the place this winter.   She said she did not know.   I told her I had a small electric space heater if she would like to have it. ( I actually had 2, but I may need one for my bathroom if the temp drops like it did last winter.)   She said she would love to have it.   She plans to get some more.   I came home and got the heater.   When I took it back to her a representative from a charity group heard what she and I had said to each other.   She saw me give the poor lady that had the fire the heater, and heard her thank me for it.   She asked the girl I gave it to what was wrong, and she told her about the fire.   The lady from the charity asked the other lady what she could do to help. They are going to try to help her replace some of the things she lost.   
     The lord works in mysterious ways: Had the lady with the nail not stopped to show it to my , I may not have found out about the fire.   And she may not have gotten help from this other people had she stayed home.