
připojena: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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 I AM ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING I HAVE NEVER DONE BEFORE.   I AM DEDICATING THIS WHOLE BLOG TO ANSWERING THE OPINIONS OF SOMEONE WHO HAS TOO MUCH TIME ON THEIR HANDS.   The rest of you may want to just skip this blog.   It is not really informative or thought provoking instead it is just a reply to a comment on my previous blog, so those of you who like my blogs please forgive this diversion,

ROTFLMFAO ok now you have jest stepped into the realm of ridiculous and delusional.   First no one told you not to address abuse or any subject you wish so I got no clue where you got that line about not expecting you to address it.   Second I suggest you get your eyes checked, because the name Jane is in my id so I got no clue where you came up with the June, Joe, Jim thing.  But if it was a feeble attempt to get back at me for calling you yeller lol swing I have been called worse so and miss next attempt.  Third: If my blog makes you want to vomit why do you keep reading it? When something makes me that sick I learn to leave it alone. Forth: The remark about me not being able to sit down for a week is an exaggerated me metaphor from my area of the country it is not a littoral description, But you may know that if you had not abandoned the usa for Germany.   I find it amazing you think you know so much but you have no clue what creative license is or how it is used to make a point.   And you do not want to lose your social security from a country you clearly hate.   That is very interesting you condemn this country saying all the great things Germany has over the USA but yet you hold onto a program from the USA the very place you so clearly hate.  It would seem to me when someone hates a place like you hate the USA you would not want anything from it.    Hummmm so you have raised your daughters there too interesting. That shows me that you have been there a long time and that you are clearly out of touch with the country you were born in and from which you collect your social security.    Wow you really do hate the USA could that be because you blame the whole country because you were abused here?   As to your daughters getting a better education in Germany the education is not just based on whatever school one attends it is also based on a student’s ability and willingness to learn.   I also find it interesting you say you are glad your daughters were raised there.  Why?   Are you afraid if you had stayed here you would have copied the actions of those that abused you?   IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!   Proximity to a location where and event happened does not mandate reproduction of the event.

     I find it totally ironic you think your daughters are 100% save in German and are not in danger of being shot there.   Considering Germany started a world war and played a big part in another.   Germans are not the model of peace and intellectual greatness you paint them to be.   I can say this because even though I am American born and bred,  I have German blood in me from both sides of my family.   Now you tell me if Germany was the great place you keep saying it is, why would so many people from Germany have immigrated to the USA and like you NEVER went back to their home land.    Something you failed to mention: German cops shot dead 14 people in 2017.   I will give you that the deaths from shootings in Germany may be less than that of the USA, but to say there is no danger of getting shot in Germany is ridiculous.   And did it ever occur to you that even though the USA is quite a bit larger than Germany, Germany has more police officers.   It is not hard to keep crime down if you have enough officers to post them everywhere.   When you start comparing the safety of the USA to the safety of Germany you may want to do a police per population ratio first.  More people usually means more crime, but you would know that if you were as smart as you pretend, or do the German schools not teach ratios per capita there?   As to the statement America has more people in jail than any other country again we fall back to the population per country ratio.   Anywhere you have more people there are bound to be more people in each group.   I bet if you had actually looked you would find we also have more people out of jail then most countries too.

     As to your immigrant remark, I could care less if people immigrate to this country LEAGLY.   If they fill out the proper paper work and come  into this country the correct way I would welcome them with open arms, BUT IF THEY ARE HERE ILLEAGLY then no I do not want them here.  They work illegally for less than minimums wage taking jobs away from people that were born here, and many times they can get welfare and food stamps that taps into our funds for our people.   My thoughts are if they cannot fill out the proper paper work and come into this country legally they do not need to be here.   WOOOOOOOOOOOO WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE CALLING RACIST?   You who are against all Americans.  You who have looked down on the USA with everything you wrote. You who thinks you ar3e better than anyone in the USA even though you are drawing your social security from here.   You are one of the most predgidous haughty people I have ever heard from.  Where do you get off calling us a racist country?   Know what you realllllly do belong in Germany in fact you should have been born there.   You have a lot in common with one of their most powerful leaders of the 20th century he hated his country of birth too.  

     You really need to brush up on your American history ALL the native Americans were not killed I know that for a fact because I have Sioux  Indian blood in my on my mom’s side so the mere fact I have their blood in me and I live today proves you lie when you say whites killed all the Indians.

     I am still failing to see why you are hanging on to your social security payments to tight instead of giving up your US citizenship if you are doing so well health wise freeloading off the Germans.   Cause if you really think all that is free you really are delusional the German government pays for it.

Oh and ps: The fact you would make an assumption like that shows your own true ignorance.   I am not here to teach grammar like you.   I am here to get my thoughts out, and like I said earlier if my blogs make you want to vomit please feel free to not read them.   You have already had enough excretions from you on these pages.   We do not need any vomit to mix with it.