připojena: 10.01.2013
«(((Don't say U love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like believe it ◄◊ ◊ ►BREAKING NEWS)))»
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.✬.✬Que difícil es el ser humano, nacer no pide, vivir no sabe y morir no quiere✬.✬.

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Los tres últimos deseos de Alejandro El Grande 

Alejandro el Grande  encontrándose al borde de la muerte,
convocó a sus generales y les comunicó sus tres últimos deseos:
1 - Que su ataúd fuese llevado en hombros y transportado por los mejores médicos de la época.
2 - Que los tesoros que había conquistado (plata, oro, piedras preciosas),
fueran esparcidos por el camino hasta su tumba, y...
3 - Que sus manos quedaran balanceándose en el aire, fuera del ataúd,
y a la vista de todos.
Uno de sus generales, asombrado por tan insólitos deseos,
le preguntó a Alejandro cuáles eran sus razones.
Alejandro le explicó: 1 - Quiero que los más eminentes médicos carguen mi ataúd
para así mostrar que ellos NO tienen, ante la muerte, el poder de curar.
2 - Quiero que el suelo sea cubierto por mis tesoros para que todos puedan
ver que los bienes materiales aquí conquistados, aquí permanecen.
3 - Quiero que mis manos se balanceen al viento,
para que las personas puedan ver que vinimos con las manos vacías,
y con las manos vacías partimos,
cuando se nos termina el más valioso tesoro que es el tiempo.
Al morir nada material te llevas,  
"EL TIEMPO" es el tesoro más valioso que tenemos porque es limitado.
Podemos producir más dinero, pero no más tiempo...
Cuando le dedicamos tiempo a una persona,
le estamos entregando una porción de nuestra vida
que nunca podremos recuperar, nuestro tiempo es nuestra vida. 
EL MEJOR REGALO que le puedes dar a alguien es tu tiempo y
SIEMPRE se le debe dar a Dios, a la familia y a los Amigos.
Que Dios te colme de bendiciones.
Tómate el tiempo para reflexionar este mensaje cuando menos,



✬.*,✳.*,✬. Ash Wednesday- 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know✬.*,✳.*,✬.

Image result for breaking news imagesash wednesday origins, ash wednesday history, lent origins, lent history

A man receives a cross of black ashes on his forehead on Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is the start of the Lenten season that leads to Easter for Christians.

On Ash Wednesday, Catholics and other Christians have ashes placed on the forehead.

They Both Have Pagan Originsash wednesday origins, ash wednesday history, lent origins, lent history

Both the imposition of the ashes and Lent are deeply rooted in pre-Christian traditions and religions.  The practice of putting ashes on one’s forehead has been known since ancient times. This is proven with Matthew 6:16, where Jesus tells his followers to not “disfigure” their faces with ash as they fast but to wash their faces with oil and water instead. Jesus says:

“When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

This may be a reference to ashes being considered pagan. However, ashes used as a symbol for repentance are also mentioned in the Jewish Old Testament, including in 2 Samuel 13:19, Job 42:3–6, and more.

In the Nordic pagan religion, placing ashes above one’s brow was believed to ensure the protection of the Norse god, Odin. This practice spread to Europe during the Vikings conquests. This laying on of ashes was done on Wednesday, the day named for Odin… The Norse practice which has become known as Ash Wednesday was itself, drawn from the Vedic Indian religion. Ashes were believed to be the seed Agni, the Indian fire god. Ashes were also believed to be symbolic for the purifying blood of the Vedic god Shiva, which it is said had the power to cleanse sins.

The Viking age lasted from the late 8th century to the mid 11th century and had significant cultural effects on Europe, particularly the western portion. However, Vikings did also have significant holdings in modern Italy, the seat of Catholic Christendom.

In Modern Times, Ash Wednesday Is a Time of Repentanceash wednesday origins, ash wednesday history, lent origins, lent history

Genesis 3:19 and Mark 1:15. Genesis 3:19 read

By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground,

since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.

Mark 1;15 read

And saying. “The time is  fulfilled, and “The kingdom of God is at hand: Repent and believe the gospel.

Either of the bolded phrases is commonly uttered to Christians as they receive the imposition of the ashes. However, having a cross drawn on one’s forehead with ash is common mostly only in English-speaking countries. In other countries, ashes are merely sprinkled over one’s head.

Jesus is also quoted as speaking of the practice of using ashes as a symbol of repentance in Matthew 11:21 and Luke 10:13, saying, “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes…”

In Modern Times, Lent Is a Time of Reflecting

ash wednesday origins, ash wednesday history, lent origins, lent history

“Lent” is an Old English that means “length,” referencing the lengthening of daylight hours for the coming spring, according to The name is of stark contrast to the Latin name for Lent, “Quadragesima,” which means “fortieth.”

Lent is traditionally described as lasting 40 fasting days and commemorates the forty days Jesus spent fasting in the desert prior to beginning his public ministry. While in the desert, Jesus endured temptation by Satan. The story is told in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

However, the number “40” occurs many times in the Bible, including the 40 days Moses spent on Mount Sinai with God, the 40 days and nights of rain in the great flood survived by Noah, the 40 years of wandering by the Hebrew people in the desert while traveling to the Promised Land, and many more.

Lent is viewed as a time of introspection and prayer to bring oneself nearer to God.

What do People Give Up for Lent?

ash wednesday origins, ash wednesday history, lent origins, lent history

Pope Francis prays in front of the statue of the Immaculate Conceptionon at Spanish Steps December 8, 2013 in Rome, Italy. 

During Lent, many Christians choose to “give up” a vice they struggle with as a symbol of sacrifice. Among Roman Catholics, some observers abstain from the consumption of meat.

According to Christianity Today, only 24% of Americans observe Lent, with Catholics being the most common observants.

Common Lent fasts include no soda, no fast food, no chocolate, and no sex, but according to a Twitter poll conducted by LifeWay Research, the #1 thing people give up for Lent nowadays is social media.

Lent Leads to Easter

ash wednesday origins, ash wednesday history, lent origins, lent history

Easter eggs painted in traditional Sorbian motives lie on display and for sale at the annual

Easter egg in Schleife, Germany.

Ash Wednesday is always 46 days before Easter. It includes 40 fasting days, if the six Sundays, which are not days of fast, are excluded. The date of Easter is always the first Sunday after the full moon following a spring equinox. This year, Easter is on Sunday, April 16.

Easter is considered the most important holiday on the Christian calendar. It is the day believed to be when Jesus Christ rose from the dead after being crucified. It follows Palm Sunday, which is April 9, Maundy Thursday, April 13, and Good Friday, April 14.

Palm Sunday is the final Sunday of Lent and commemorates the arrival of Christ in Jerusalem before he is crucified. The palms used on Palm Sunday are typically burned and used the following year for Ash Wednesday. Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles. Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus.

Like Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and Lent, Easter was also affected by early Christian pagan customs, such as the Easter egg and the Easter Bunny. In fact, according to the Online Etymology Dictionary, Easter is a German word derived from Eastre, the name of a goddess associated with spring.




Hello Hello!!!

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Merry Christmas, Love...

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When the night has fallen silent
and the lights are turned down low.
When the land has been frosted
with a sparkle of fresh snow,
you and I shall be together
beneath the flicker of the tree,
our hearts and souls aglow
like the splendid Christmas tree.
We'll hold each other tight,
and we'll snuggle oh so close,
and we'll hold our goblets high
for a merry Christmas toast.
We'll toast the days behind us,
and the happy days ahead,
then we'll share a fiery kiss,
tinged with Christmas red.
Captured by the passion
that will sizzle in our eyes,
we'll vow to one another
that our love will never die.

Merry Christmas, love!





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Flowers and nature divider

Even thought this message come to you a little late,

The wish it brings for happiness is good  on any day.

Happy belated birthday!!

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╬╬╬╬Why Hillary Avoids Talking About Her Daughter Chelsea╬╬╬╬

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Why Hillary Avoids Talking About Her Daughter Chelsea

It could be said that the Clinton family is not your conventional family, particularly when your dad is famous for a string of illicit affairs and your mom lost the battle against Donald Trump for presidency. Let’s take a look at the story of Chelsea Clinton…

Image Source: Breitbart

As her mother ran, and lost, for president against Donald Trump in the 2016 campaign, Chelsea’s been back in the spotlight support and help her family get back into the White House. However, there were some things the Clinton’s didn’t want you to know about Chelsea…

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Image Source: Pinterest

Bill and Hillary instilled a strict work ethic in their daughter and pushed her hard to succeed. As a result, she was incredibly intelligent, skipped the third grade and learned how to work the stock market at just 11 years old! Her parents were thrilled with that…

Image Source: Daily Mail

According to a new book written by Sally Miller, one of Bill Clinton’s former mistresses, Hillary never wanted children and in fact had “several abortions” prior to Chelsea’s birth. Supposedly, Hillary didn’t plan to keep Chelsea but only did so when urged to by Bill who thought a child may “help” his political career

Image Source: AP Photo/Greg Gibson

Whether or not Chelsea was an ‘accident’, Bill Clinton made sure to keep her close to him. He had a small desk placed in his office so Chelsea could eat with him every day. And, although both Bill and Hillary had extremely busy schedules when their daughter was young, they tried to spend as much time with her as possible.

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Chelsea is an animal lover and she begged her parents for a cat, they adopted the feline Socks who eventually became one of the most famous and best-loved presidential cats ever. However, Bill was actually allergic to the cat but decided to get it to keep Chelsea happy.

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Her parents needed to keep her busy, to stop her from running amok. To do this, Chelsea, as a teenager, took part in a variety of activities including theater, math camps, Model United Nations and ballet. This lead to her Secret Service codename being simply, ‘Energy’.

Image Source: Getty Images

While her father was president, Chelsea was urged to study at Stanford University and she did. However, it was far from the usual college experience – she had plain clothes Secret Service officers with her and bulletproof windows in her dorm!

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Chelsea and her now-husband Marc Mezvinsky met as children when she was living at the White House in 1992 – she was 12 years old and he was 15 years old. However, it wasn’t until Chelsea started at Stanford, where Marc was also studying, that their romance blossomed.
