
присъединил се: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     We have all heard those that forget history are condemned to repeat it.   I have recently seen events setting up in a pattern that will cause history to repeat itself.   Without giving too much detail, something happened several years back, I forgave the other person involved in the event.   But I never forget when someone hurts me, because I do not want to be hurt the same way again.   Thing is what is going on now is not going to happen to me, but to someone I care about.   I am not the type person to stay in my own lane when I see someone about to be hit by a truck.   I am the type to try to pull them out of the way, so they do not get hit by the truck that hit me in the past ( metaphorically ) .  
     If you saw someone about to fall into a trap you yourself once fell into would you just let it happen or would you try to protect them?