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My Dad , Gerald Gordon - At his residence, on April 1, 2003, in his 62nd year

I know you will forever watch over me.

Never forget

For all the times you made me smile, thank you.
For all the times you held my hand, thank you.
For all the times you smiled at me, thank you.
For all the times you listened to me when no one else would, thank you.
For all the times you encouraged me, thank you.
For all the times you hugged me, thank you.
For all the times you shared a part of yourself with me, thank you.

For all the times you asked to spend time with me, thank you.
For all the times you trusted me, thank you.
For all the times you complimented me, thank you.
For all the times you cared about my well being, thank you.
For all the times you said "I love you", thank you.
For all the times you thought of me, thank you.
For all the times you brought me joy, thank you.
For all the times you were there when I needed you, thank you.
For all the times you missed me, thank you.
For all the times you gave me comfort, thank you.

For all of this:
Never forget that when I smile at you, I'm saying "I love you. "
Never forget that my hand is always outstretched toward you.
Never forget that I am always here to listen to you.
Never forget that I will always stand behind you.
Never forget that I plan to hug you at least twice everyday.
Never forget that I am an open book to you.
Never forget that you need only ask me for anything, and it's yours.
Never forget that I want to spend time with you.
Never forget that I completely trust you.
Never forget that I think you are the most wonderfull friend in the world.
Never forget that I care about you more than anything else in the world.
Never forget that I do love you, weather I say it or not.
Never forget that I'm thinking of you right now.
Never forget that you bring me joy, especially when you smile.
Never forget that I am always here for you.

My friend

It hurts to know you�re hurting
Because you�re so special in my heart
The pain that you are feeling
Is tearing me apart

But know that love has a way
Of easing all that�s wrong
Together we can make it
If we hold on and just be strong

Know that you�re not alone
In all your adversity
For by your side through and through
Is where I�ll always be


The distance between you and I
Is only a heartbeat away,
For you and I dwell in each other's heart -
There forever we will stay.

You know all my emotions,
Many they may be.
You know when to be gentle,
And when to chastise me.

Two gentle souls deeply connected,
Thoughts not spoken,
There is no need -
For the other knows what one is thinking
Even before they speak.

So with all the love I have
In my heart today,
I want to express to you
These feelings I want to stay.

What is a friend?

You could be a king with all the riches in the world and not be my friend,could be a superstar with thousands of people adoring you and I wouldnt even glance at you,could be the commander in chirf and I wouldnt lift my head in greetings,could be a rockefeller I wouldnt turn could be the poorest in the world and I would call you my friend,could be living on a lone mountain thousands of miles away and I would rush to meet you,could be a kid in a hospital sick and I would greet you as my friend,you could have millions be the queen of england and be my long as you have real values and true to the pepole you call friends.The moral of this little blog? well friendship means different things to different pepole if you respect meif you treat me with dignaty honor love and caring THATS how I classify a friend not by what they do or dont have or how they look or dont look or how many pepole love them or admire them or their (place,station) in life because you know all that dosent matter one tiny bit to me.I am so very lucky I truly am because my friends are family.