присъединил се: 17.02.2020
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Unlike no other

When you meet a woman like her, don’t mistake her to be like all the rest..Because she’s nothing like most women.
She’s traveled a road that most will never know, full of challenges and hardship that made her who she is..
She never set out to become who she is, but she’s done more than just endure the fire..
She’s become it.The weaker men who’ve come along trying to test her limits and win her heart had no idea who they were dealing with.
She’s too strong, too passionate and too fierce to let mild people try to douse her flames.
She’s intense in all the ways that matter and she makes no apologies for her ferocity and high walls.
So, when suitors come calling with all the games she’s seen so many times before, she doesn’t waste her time explaining herself to those who will never understand her.
She has little patience for the faint of heart that insist on playing games with matters of the heart. She doesn’t do anything halfway,Including love..When she loves, she gives it her all.
She says what she means and what she wants and expects others to do the same.
She’s learned the hard way to be careful who she lets close to her heart, and that’s why her friends are few and her potential lovers are even fewer.
So, before you think you understand who and what a woman like her is about, be prepared to be patient, caring and loving.Her trust must be earned, her attention must be caught and her love?
You’re going to have to tear down her walls, piece by piece to get a chance to win her heart.
So, until someone comes along that can do all those things, she’s just going to do what she does and be who she’s meant to be..Beautiful, strong and free.