
قام بالانضمام: 2014-04-15
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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النقاط المتبقية: 74
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 I am about to write a blog that some of you will definitely not like, BUT before you start giving me your opinions, I would like you to read it with an open mind.  We have all heard the story George Floyd died while pinned to the ground by an officer with his knee on Floyd's neck.   I have seen the videos and the officers involved should definitely be held accountable for the murder. Id he was in fact in medical distress as one of the reports claim, they should not have been cutting off his breathing in any way.  I would call that excessive force.  No one should die like that.  Thing is there are always 2 sides to the story. Other videos show he did in fact struggle with the officers when they first tried to arrest him.  Which brings me to the next question? Why was he being arrested in the first place?  The report said he appeared to be under the influence. I feel an autopsy should have been done to determine the actual cause of death.   It does not look at all good from the first video stand point, but sometimes pictures do not tell the whole truth.

     I am not in any way trying to make excuses for the officers this was a death that should never have happened.   I just think if you are going to tell the story TELL IT ALL not just the parts that make George Floyd look like a victim, because there is a possibility IF HE WAS IN FACT UNDER THE INFLUENCE that what ever he was on could have been responsible for his death and not the sufficing. The only reason i bring this up is he kept saying I can't breathe, and one time i was in the hospital, I told the doctor I could not breathe, and he told me yes I can breathe, because if I could not breathe I could not talk. Everyone knows air has to go through your voice box to speak. If he could not breathe he would have no air to go through it to make the words. I definitely think before the officer’s trial an autopsy should be done to make sure what killed him. That knowledge could make a big difference in what charges the officers were charged with. If the autopsy said it was an underline health problem that killed him the charge would not be murder it would be manslaughter or excessive force.

I saw his memorial suffice on the tv today. It was nice for his friends and family, but I cannot help but wonder if they are making a martyr out of someone that is not a hero. I know there is good in everyone, and they should be remembered for the good they do in their lives. I will give you an example: We had a man that lived in my neighborhood that sold drugs. Everyone knew it, but no one turned him in ,because he was a nice guy. Anytime we were raising money for parties for the neighborhood children he donated a large amount. Did that make him a saint NO! But it did show he had good in him, and many people in the neighborhood were sad when he got shot and killed about a block from my house. They were sad not because he was a saint or a hero, but deep inside they could see he was a caring person IN HIS OWN WAY. Was his way the law abiding way NO. But he was not all bad, just as I am sure Mr Floyd was a good man, but it could be he was not showing his good side at the time of his death.

Now lets jump to a different subject that has stemmed out of all the protest over this death. I saw where they are taking down a statue of Robert E Lee. That is a good thing, because it should never have been put up. Not because of it being racist per say but more because he was on the losing side in the war. Who does that? erect monuments to the leader of the losing side. One thing people need to realize though. Getting rid of all the symbols of the south in the civil war will not change the fact it happened. A smart person once said he who forgets history is condemned to repeat it. OK I am done for now lol.