
قام بالانضمام: 2014-04-15
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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النقاط المتبقية: 74
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     My Christmas eve with my brother's family was for the most part a big disappointment.   The meal was to be at 3 and it was after 3 when he picked me up, but meals do not always run on time.   When I got there the tv was on Doctor Phil.  Not really a Christmas thing , but I figured they must watch it a lot.   A short time after I got there my niece's ex husband and their 2 sons came in the youngest one was covered from the knees down with mud.   My sister in law made him go change his pants.  The salad was already on the table when I got there so I figured the rest of the meal would be soon.   The boys had not been in the house for even a half an hr before they climbed inside their ipods.   It was nearly 4 when the meal was ready.   My brother called for his daughter who was sleeping ( cause she works 2 jobs ) to come over to eat.   Three phone calls and nearly an hour later she showed up.   We were all getting hungry by the time she showed.   Her ex husband called it when she said she would be annoyed because she had to sit by him.
     The had a hard time betting my younger nephew to put his ipod up he was determined he would watch it while he ate.   His dad had to physically take the ipods from them to get him to stop watching it.   All thought it was easy to see where he got this from.   Both my brother and my sister in law were watching the tv on the wall behind me while we ate.   I know this because they made a couple comments on a show that was on it.   Then out of no where my niece started on her ex.   Apparently he had did something with his phone.  She was the only one that even noticed what ever he did.   She was like the boys can't have the i pod you should put your phone away.     After she finished eating she took her phone curled up on one end of the couch with it and never took her nose out of it till not long before she and her ex got in a fight and she decided she was leaving.
     Now picture this one of my nephews in the grandparents room with his ipod the other curled up on the couch with his ipod between his mom and dad both on their phones and ignoring everyone else in the room.   My brother and his wife on the other side of the room all sucked into the tv, and me sitting on the floor beside the couch basically staring at the walls, because everyone was too sucked into their devices to pay any attention to the fact they had invited me down.   I was not expecting a lot, but I was hoping for a little conversation or maybe we could play a game.   They used to play cards.  But I did not get any thing attention.   When my brother gave me my Christmas card YES it had money in it BUT he did not even bother to sign it or even put my name on the envelope.
     The fight my niece and her ex got into was so stupid and did not need to happen.   My brother said I can come down any time to just call and ask.   The whole time I am thinking What for?  so I can watch you all suck3ed into your devises.   If I want to be ignored I can do that quite well at home.   I was really looking forward to this trip it was the first time I have been there sense he remolded.  They did not even offer to give me the dime tour of what they changed.   I do not know if I will go if I am asked to go again, but IF I DO maybe I will take my tablet with me, and when they start playing on the phones ipods and get sucked into the tv I will start playing on my tablet.   I just wonder if they see me doing it too if it will make them see how stupid they look playing on them when they got company.   I seriously wanted to yell at them all. ARE YOU SERIOUS YOU CAN NOT GET YOUR NOSES OUT OF THE DAMN ELECTRONICS FOR A COUPLE HOURS TO VISIT WHEN YOU HAVE COMPANY?
     I am having lunch at my oldest nephews house tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it partly cause of today and partly cause there will be at least 4 people there I do not know.   I do not do well around people I do not know, and their kids are also ones that run around with their noses stuck in their phones.
     Something odd happened out of the blue mike asked me when I was going to have a meal at my house.   I just told him he was too young to remember why I WILL NEVER HAVE IT AT MY HOUSE AGAIN.   I have no clue why he asked that but if he was looking for a fight he did not get it from me.